Never Liked It

I was 11 years old when this show
first aired on TV ....and I was 14 when it finally got canceled.

And I can honestly say,
that even though a lot of people really
liked this show.....I couldn't stand it.

I didn't like the way that
the baby dinosaur behaved....

I didn't like the father dinosaur....

I didn't like the father dinosaur's boss....

This show just never appealed to me.
At the time, I was much more of a Simpsons fan
and I think Married with Children was still on-
it was good for its time.

But Dinosaurs? ..... Nope!



My dad hated this show. You might get along with my dad.



It terrified me when I was little. I was 5 or 6 when it first aired and I hated it, especially the baby! I hated the way the father walked too, with his big fat tail dragging on the kitchen floor. I used to cry when it was on TV.

I've always hated puppets, they ruined Labyrinth and Dark Crystal (which I realise is ALL puppets!) for me. The only one I wasn't afraid of was Falkor in The Neverending Story, and even that took time! I blame Spitting Image, I didn't understand they weren't real and the Margaret Thatcher one was almost as horrifying as her real counterpart! Anyhoo... Not the mama!

The mirror... it's broken.
Yes, I know. I like it that way. Makes me look the way I feel.
