Final Shoot-out
Saw this film for the first time & liked it up UNTIL that final ludicrous shoot-out. OMG you can't be serious. Typical cliched Hollywood shoot-out, where the "hero" manages to land almost every single one of his shots at the mobsters whether he's flying through the air, rolling on the ground etc (wipes out 5 guys including Harris) yet even when they are shooting at him point blank, or as he's flying over the bar, they only manage to shoot him 2 times but shoot up everything else in the bar including the jukebox. Ridiculous. These experienced hardcore killers turn out to have the slowest reflexes & be the worst, most inept shots in the whole friggin mob if not all the East Coast. And to top it off, Ed Harris' character Frankie, the biggest, baddest one of em all, is shown walking towards Penn shooting straight at him point blank (at this point Penn is not shooting back) & with his last 6 shots somehow manages to hit glasses, bottles & lights all around him but hits Penn only once. I don't mind a little artistic license but c'mon people, as Borelli might say "this insults my intelligence".
"The neighborhood is disappearin' in a tide of yuppies & dog s**t" Frankie