I'm actually making a film very similar to PUMP UP THE VOLUME. I've got the screenplay and will go around selling it once I get it ready. The technology has advanced, but personally - I love that - it gives him more freedom and his voice can be anywhere. We're in the age of YOUTUBE!
I see us going back to the 80s in films, especially teenage films and I think it's because we're somewhat in those times again. The world, especially high school, is a scary place to be now. There are certain topics and issues that could be addressed and have the film stand out.
Now I'm not saying it's a remake, because it's not even close. As people have said, making a similar movie today would be different because the technology has changed and the world is a somewhat different, but similar, place. It does however have the same basic premise, with a few alterations, of a teenage guy using his voice to unite the students together. Completely different characters, different technology, and completely different plot points. But, the essence of the film and the feeling it captivates via similar means - that's what I aimed at capturing on film again.
I can't give any more details, because this script was near impossible to crack. I'm from small town suburbia, I hated it and how I saw it effected the lives of others around me; I'm somewhat Hard Hat Harry. That quiet guy sitting in the back of the room with a lot to say...
It's time our voices are heard. Right now. We can make a difference people. All we need to do is scream out. And I'm promising you, things will change.