Ford or Costner as Ryan?

who shouldve been Ryan in this? both had had close on screen relationships with Connery prior but Ford was literally the summer before and it was a huge huge hit so wouldve seemed abit weird even though he eventually took over the role of Ryan. therefore Costner probably wouldve been the better choice (and stuck with it for the next 2 films) and just seemed more 'right' for this kind of military naval movie


You didn't ask this, but I think Baldwin was a perfect choice for the role. Ford was wrong type for Jack Ryan.


Baldwin is now retroactively kind of a persona non grata


Maybe they'll CGI him out. Fortunately I already have my copy of Hunt for Red October.


Who cares? People should be able to separate the art from the artist. Baldwin did fit the role perfectly.


Agree. Baldwin is a pompous jerk with delusions of being more intelligent than any person who ever lived or will ever live, but he was perfect for this role and knocked it out of the park.

Ryan was a character who wasn't completely sure of himself, and Ford particularly wouldn't be as believable. I think Costner would have been fine but he wouldn't have been any better.


Neither. Baldwin was the best Ryan.
