MovieChat Forums > The Flash (1990) Discussion > why exactly did it get cancelled?

why exactly did it get cancelled?



It failed because it was made in the 90s. If it was made today then it would be successful. Superheroes shows back then didn't last long. Look at what we have in 2000s: Smallville (10 seasons I think), Arrow (On its 2nd season (?) and not even close to being canceled), and some other shows that have supernatural stuff or whatever in them.



I think it was cancelled for two reasons; talk talk talk blah blah blah. It's The Flash, for heaven's sake. He isn't The Talker. Plus, there were too many times where being The Flash could easily get him out of a predicament. I'll bet the new show talks up a storm also.

Billy the Kid


A combinataion of High Prouductions costs,the show being constanly preempted and having it's time slot changed,and general bad luck. The death blow might have been when what was supposed to be it's big relaunch in a new time slot midseason got zapped because of the 1990 Gulf War Coverage.
In the end,although the ratings were never terrible, it never got high enough ratings to justify charging enough for ads to cover the high productions costs.
That is fatal for any show.

I'll Teach You To Laugh At Something's That's Funny
Homer Simpson



Wow, I like seeing a post I made 8 years ago still going. I'm surprised.


Because CBS didn't know what it was doing and how to promote or market the show. I loved this show, but it was obviously rushed into production to capitalize on Tim Burton's Batman as it has an obviously similar tone and feel. If CBS had put it in a good time zone and let it grow it could have done very well.


The reason most shows get cancelled is ratings. This one is no exception but unlike a lot of other shows the drop in ratings was not entirely it's own fault. For only one series it suffered from changing broadcast times and this alone manages to damage ratings. When watching the special effects are admirable for something that was made in the 90's but they cost and awful lot more than they would now with all the movie tricks that we have to do them more cheaply. So the monetary constraints were too much and also it failed to get picked up by a major network after the first series which is a pretty standard practice in America. if a major network doesn't pick up a series it will be cancelled. basically a short answer is money and an fluctuating time slot.

If I can't save you, I swear to God, I am gonna stop you!


I think that, like a lot of shows, it got cancelled because of a combination of factors that have been pointed out in this thread, not just any one cause.

It was too early for then current technology to produce at a reasonable production cost, a lot of which is evident based on how the material was scaled down to fit it into more of a crime drama "cops and robbers" show of the day format. That's not a slight, just reality. They fit the character of The Flash into stories that were cheaper to produce because of the amount of money that went into the suits, the effects, etc. -considering the production value of some other shows it could have looked a lot worse and been even further reduced to really mundane tales. For its time, it was pretty cutting edge in terms of effects for the budget. Look at the new Flash series and the stories, characters, special effects, and the overall greater arc of the material being covered, etc. and it's obvious.

That said, I've been re-watching the 1990 series and it had a lot going for it, not the least of which was the various character actors, series regulars and guests of the week, and the writing. Considering the budget constraints precluding the additional expense of huge special effects and costumes and gimmicks for EVERY villain of the week as in the new show, it holds up pretty well. The characters, acting, sometimes lame little jokes and inside comments make up for a lot of the gimmicky effects we've grown accustomed to seeing these days. Plus, the ongoing inside humor about Barry requiring a lot of candy bars, snacks, and even being given a submarine sandwich by Nightshade along with continuing concerns about metabolism give the character a little bit of vulnerability that makes the super speed a less than a one way proposition with something of an albeit relatively minor price tag. Also, the banter and silly situations involving a pair of patrolmen that ranges from disbelief concerning the existence of the Flash, schemes to make a buck off exploiting the main character, sub plots where one thinks the other is the Flash, etc. add a little flavor and fun to the main story lines.

If you can find it, watch it. View it with some nostalgia or at least a sense of what was available in that time(if you weren't around then, some 25 years ago) and remember a slightly kinder, gentler day where computerized effects were still learning to crawl and far less likely to be seen on a TV budget and still pretty lame even in big budget movies. This show, in a lot of ways, reflected the slightly nerdier, comics code authority approved, Flash I remember from the comics in my childhood despite the lack of budget to offer huge effects beyond the required effects shots for The Flash.


If you can find it, watch it. View it with some nostalgia or at least a sense of what was available in that time(if you weren't around then, some 25 years ago) and remember a slightly kinder, gentler day where computerized effects were still learning to crawl and far less likely to be seen on a TV budget and still pretty lame even in big budget movies.
If anyone's interested, you can watch the entire show here for free.

Cram it with walnuts, ugly!


I'm always sad that it was cancelled, but i'm grateful for what we got. This is a show that was better than most shows that have like 5 or 10 seasons. Great production values. Pretty good acting and the action and effects were suberb for their time. It's still a memorable show today even with the new Flash on, it's still holds up pretty well and i like the new Flash too it's pretty good.


Agreed Tyler..this show was simply too ahead of its time. But its great that it gets sort of second life in the form of various easter eggs on the current Flash. Im so happy they continue to do call backs to what was a really fun TV show.

Sorry Brother.
