MovieChat Forums > Warlock (1991) Discussion > This Movie Is Awesome

This Movie Is Awesome

Everyone should see this movie
Its a great horror/suspense movie

Jimmy Mac


Yeah i agree, well i wouldn't say it was awesome, but ever since i first saw it as a 13-14 year old with my older sister, it has always been a favourite of ours.
Its nothing special, but there is something about it which even today still gets my attention.
The final battle scene i always enjoyed, along with a few quotes in the movie that have stuck with me for years.

One of my fav scenes is...

After you just learn that in order for the warlock to be able to fly, he needs fat from a boy that hasn't been baptised, we see the Warlock on the swings with the boy playing the handheld electronic football game and he tells him he's a Witch and he can't step foot on church ground, then the boy says 'witches are girls, you aren't a witch.... witches need a broomstick to fly'
then the Warlock says, 'i need no broomstick to fly'
the boy says, 'oh yeah, then what do you need'
the warlock just gently pushes the boy on the swing sort of laughing to himself in an evil cunning way because of the boys naivety.
Then it cuts to the scene of the Warlock frying up the boys fat.
I love that scene :)

Another fav quote is...
When she's been aged 40 years with her old crackly voice 'Redferne the compass!'

Its amazing at how obscure things can stick in someone's mind.

Anyway, i enjoyed this movie alot and i still do 15 years later.
It starts off a lil slow and looking quite low budget, but i find it easy to get engrossed in it.
Julian Sands plays the character very well, his powerful voice and his english accent is a great mix.

Ciao, Leon


"my dad hates all that stuff about jesus and the twelve apostrophes"



Yeah, it is. It's cheesy to the max, but it's incredibly funny.

A couple of my favourite scenes:

At the beginning when the Warlock arrives in the modern time and lands in a house with the guy and the woman, they take him off to bed. When he wakes up he mumbles something 'I must...' and she pushes him right back into bed saying something like 'oh no, you need rest'... and he doesn't object. Heh... that was just real, real funny, if you take into consideration who he's supposed to be in that movie.

The next one of my favourite scenes is where he visits the spirit channeler, and upon seeing him, says 'I only do sessions' I just had to crack up bigtime O__O I'd watch it again any day.

(Although to be honest, I like the second part better. I guess Sands is more menacing in that one.. and he looks better)


Mary Woronov is in the movie. It has to be great if she's in it (all her movies are great excluding the exception of Rock N Roll High School Forever).

"Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast?" -Heather Chandler


very good movie...i love it as much as the second (altough that one is more b movie)

they should make a sequel/prequel


I would like to see a prequel set in the warlocks time. If they made another sequel I would like it to be a proper sequel to the 1st film. I know they made Warlock Armageddon but its not a proper sequel as its plot has no connection to Warlock and Warlock 3 is a completely different Warlock


Speaking of Mary Waronov, have any of you guys seen Night of the Comet? That was an excellent 80's movie that she was in. BTW, reading this board inspired me to order the Warlock DVD. I just got it today and I'm going to watch it in a few minutes with my girlfriend. I loved this movie when it first came out and can't wait to see it again :)

"Don't let me die with that silly look in my eyes."


i have a thought for the new freddy vs jason, why not have julian sands as warlock again i would love to see him as warlock again. if anyone has some thoughts on this, even if you feel it's a bad idea, please let me know. im trying to find someone else with as deep a passion for these movies as i have and hoping someone could help me come up with a basis for this if it were to ever become a film.


Saw this one a long time ago and I've been trying to find it again but it just hasn't happened.
It is pretty good though, I was never exactly a big horror fan, but I do like movies that deal with devils, humans, god and the eternal battle between good and evil.

"vulgar7, try the horror boards, you might find some people just as passionate as yourself.

Panic: Hercules... Why does that name ring a bell?
Pain: I don't know. Maybe we owe him money?


it's been years, and i don't remember much from this movie, but i remember thinking it was pretty awesome when i saw it a decade ago or so. i just got a copy however (for nostalgic reasons) and am super pumped to watch it again (which will be shortly). sands was perfect for the role. menacing, poised, english, and he even has a ponytail. what more could you expect from the satanic messiah?


Yeah, I really liked this movie when it came out too. I thought the coolest part was how they showed a bunch of old remedies to magic spells that people really believed to work back then.


LETS TARY NOT!, it became a saying in our group of friends for years after the movie captivated us all and i still remember the nights at one of the girls homes where we all sat and watched the movie while making out and just having plain fun....sniff...


UHM it has it moments!


Saw it again the other night on the Sci-Fi channel, and enjoyed it as much as I always do.
A classic piece of fromage.


Why was it on the Sci-Fi channel. It's not really Sci-fi The only science fictiony thing in it is time travel


Ahh, love this movie. It's sweet.


I agree. This film is a great deal of fun. Julian Sands was deliciously wicked as the warlock.

"We're all part Shatner/And part James Dean/Part Warren Oates/And Steven McQueen"


Aye, this film has a charm all of it's own. It's not a particularly 'good' film but nevertheless one that can withstand repeated viewing. Something very endearing about Richard E. Grant as Giles Redferne. In fact I suspect this is what gives the film it's magic.

We can't stop here. This is bat country.


I love it! Cheesy but it knows it. Tongue placed firmly in cheek. :)

"Hey! Ladies! That was fun!"


Yeah, I have to admit that this is a pretty decent 80s horror movie that's aged better than most.


Agree warlock is awesome better the following sequels

Now end of day and Iam the Reaper:Silent hill


Of course we knew he was dead but I was still bummed at the end when Redferne turned into the tornado and flew away.

"Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man."
