One thing that really screwed this up

When the mother found the porn mag under him in his wagon and they thought he was readin it. I mean wtf?! he had cerebel palsy did they really think it was his?! she saw the other kids around him and everything.

Does anybody know a way that a body could get away?


I know, I thought the same thing! I felt so bad for him-he couldn't even defend himself to the priest;(


Yep, those people are really retarded. How can he find that magazine when he can barely move?


Thats such a misread of that scene.

Its clear she knew he wasnt reading it himself - but that someone had given it to him/or was showing it to him. Made her realise how difficult it would be for him to be "normal" and curious like other boys his age.


No, the mother realised that he was protecting the other boys. If Christy could protect the other boys it meant that Christy was aware that the boys could get into trouble. If he was aware, then Christy was not intellectually disabled the way the doctors assumed he was. It meant that Christy understood language, context, meaning and consequences, all of which are higher brain functions.


The previous two posts actually enlightened me. I was initially confused, as was the OP. But, your ideas make perfect sense.


People with Cerebral Palsey have sexual urges and sexual interests just like people who don't have CP. They may be limited in how easy it is to express that and may need to find adaptive means of expression.

So -- Christy would very likely have had an interest in that magazine.



Same when she chastised him for "stealing" all that coal. Umm...lady...his arms and hands don't work! Obviously he wasn't the one who stole it!
