Ignorant, impatient, dumb, self-loathing, wanting what she can't have, her scene of but daddy I love him is laughable, she didn't even got to speak to Eric, at least Pocahonatas had several scenes were she got to know John Smith, and Eric is an absolute meathead.
I beg to differ. At least Ariel and flaws and a character arc. Pocahontas doesn't seem to have hardly any, and is a poorly written character. Her entire movie is an insult to American and English history and should never have been made.
But seriously, that movie was meant to be more about the legend of Pocahontas than about any real events.
It is notable that they changed both her age and John Smith's to make them more believable as lovers.
That should be enough to show anyone that a Disney movie hardly will be a documentary about historical truths.
I mean, think about any real-world princess; they have everything brought and made for them, they are served and pedestalized in multiple ways for all their lives, they are told they have 'subjects' (no equality there), and they are to be worshipped.
What else can you become but egotistical, materialistic a-hole in such an environment, and being born to the female gender doesn't help, either. Women love shiny things, and they think it's perfectly normal for a man to buy them a REALLY expensive ring (if man makes a million bucks a year, women expect a quarter of that to go to a dang ROCK... I can't understand this mentality or cluelessness, and this is not even princesses, just regular hags on the street - there are shocking youtube videos about how clueless, materialistic and greedy women are when it comes to men and wedding rings, and the female expectation seems to know no bounds)..
..instead of spending that money on something useful, like an electric car, a thousand meals for the homeless, starting a campaign or a small startup to help this planet in some humble way. No, it has to ALL go to a damn rock someone found in the ground.
How could anyone expect princesses to be any better?
By the way, why are there SO MANY PRINCESSES? Why is every female protagonist a PRINCESS?
I mean, men don't dream about princesses, but women do dream about BEING princesses, as well as being married to princes. Why? Power, wealth, money, control, dictatorship or oligarchy over 'peasants'.
Women always want to be seen as being above the masses, the regular people don't interest them. Hence, Disney offers women exactly what they desire; princesses, kingdoms, princes, money, power, subjugation of millions of people, above which the woman floats like an evil goddess.
What else are princesses all about? I am so sick and tired of every damn damsel in a movie being a princess, either secretly or for real. Even comedies can't get rid of it...
Maid Marion is a princess of sorts, so Robin has to be called 'PRINCE of thieves' - Prince!
Then we have Spaceballs with a 'secret prince' (groan), and of course the original Star Wars movies can't have a female protagonist without her being a PRINCESS! Holy cow, when will it end?
Of course no one seems to care that Leia CEASED to be a princess the moment the planet Alderaan was destroyed. How can you be a princess if you don't have a kingdom? WHAT MAKES YOU A PRINCESS?
This question is so important, and yet, it's never answered in these movies. Someone JUST IS a princess, and that's that. No explanation, no exploration or examination of the kingdom, no questioning of whether a king has any right to even BE a king, considering any form of government derives its power from the consent of the governed, or as Monty Python once put it, 'mandate from the masses'.
These 'power structures' have been abused throughout history, and I don't think there has ever been a 'benevolent king', because such king would be quickly murdered and his throne usurped by the megalomanic, power-hungry cabals that always slither around any position of power, sometimes in deep shadows.
So when you consider a princess, you have to IMMEDIATELY take away ANY HOPE for equality - a princess can only exist if there's a king and this means a kingdom, which means OPPRESSIVE, UNLAWFUL SYSTEM of government where the masses did NOT give their consent or mandate to be governed by!
(They try to ridicule the Freemen of the Land, but when you honestly research that stuff, you might become deeply disturbed as to how sneakily the masses (most people) have been duped by using their own consent against them, the only way around the supposed protection of the constitutions, but this is a massive topic, impossible to explain in a single post)
My point is, where there are princesses, there is cruelty, oppression, injustice, wrongful government and peasants endlessly exploited and hoarders of gold and luxury..