Who had the better death scene, Donovan or Vogel?
Both were excellent in my opinion.
Donovan’s was horrific but Vogel’s was brutal.
Gun to my head, I go with Vogel.
What say you?
Both were excellent in my opinion.
Donovan’s was horrific but Vogel’s was brutal.
Gun to my head, I go with Vogel.
What say you?
Too bad Donovan's death wasn't a bit longer, enough for him to look Elsa in the eye and see the betrayal first hand.
He was the guy who told Indy not to trust *anyone*, ironic because he was the one who betrayed Indy. I would have loved to see him realize that Elsa betrayed *him*.
Excellent point, and that would have taken the horror to another level, especially if as you mentioned, during a slower transformation scene, instead of Donovan saying “help me, help me…,” it was “why, why have you done this to me…,”
panning back to Elsa who has a sinister smile on her face before the shear terror hits her.
Donovan's was pure fantasy, but Vogel's was realistic and plausible.