MovieChat Forums > Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) Discussion > Who had the better death scene, Donovan ...

Who had the better death scene, Donovan or Vogel?

Both were excellent in my opinion.
Donovan’s was horrific but Vogel’s was brutal.

Gun to my head, I go with Vogel.
What say you?


I don't know, but given the choice, I'd take a gun to my head!!!




Donovan because I thought he died a far more scary and more tortorous death.


What………happening……to me!!!


Too bad Donovan's death wasn't a bit longer, enough for him to look Elsa in the eye and see the betrayal first hand.

He was the guy who told Indy not to trust *anyone*, ironic because he was the one who betrayed Indy. I would have loved to see him realize that Elsa betrayed *him*.


Excellent point, and that would have taken the horror to another level, especially if as you mentioned, during a slower transformation scene, instead of Donovan saying “help me, help me…,” it was “why, why have you done this to me…,”
panning back to Elsa who has a sinister smile on her face before the shear terror hits her.


Donovan's was pure fantasy, but Vogel's was realistic and plausible.
