Is this appropiate for a 10 year old?

Or should me and my wife wait until he's out at one of his friends one night before renting it. Thanks!


Are you insane? Did you READ the summary? 10??? No, no, and no.

It was originally released overseas with an "X", but trimmed down for release in the U.S. That should be your clue.

I think a well-read, stable, and educated 14 year old could cope, but that's my absolute limit for this. The sex content alone doesn't worry you? Or do all parents and guardians nowadays let the children in their care watch unabashed screwing all of the time?

I'm sorry...not that "screwing", obviously, is what this film is all about, if you care to actually read through this message board.

I've just had it with seeing this type of question about fairly intense and controversial films regarding it "being okay" for a child under the age of 15 or so to view it.

GET SOME COMMON SENSE, PLEASE. AND LEARN TO READ THE SUMMARIES. Also, please use for more info on movies you have questions about, as far as content and plot. It helps.

Edit: I am sorry if this seems vehement and strident, but I keep seeing these kinds of questions all over IMDB. Let me say you ARE going about it the right way in asking these questions before dumping the DVD in the player and letting the chips fall where they may. You ARE being very responsible and caring in doing this by asking the question for your child, and I commend you for it.

What ticks me off so much, is that there is a summary on the main page for all of these films, and major sites devoted to films, and the info is right there for you to get a quick gauge of "appropriate". I don't think heavily implied sexual content, near-rape, cannibalism, and torture, are appropriate subjects. What else has he seen? What does he typically watch? What else do you allow him to see?

There are also keyword tags at the top of the page to show you things/content in the films. There are tags for "murder", "rape", etc. to let you know if these types of scenes are present.

See, all it took for my folks to know that a movie was not meant for a child was the TRAILER. If it looked too sexual, too adult, too violent, it was a definite no-go. You have way more info than that and still have to ask the question, and that makes me wonder.


He's a tro11 and you fell for his pathetic little game. There are people stupid enough to wonder that, but they're also too stupid to figure out a computer, let alone how to post to a board.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.



~Just another freak in the freak kingdom.~


I don't think it is good film for a normal 10 year old, only an emotionally disturbed child around that age would appreciate it.

”I like a girl who eats & brings it up. A sassy little frassy with bulimia”


Go ahead, let 'em watch it. You can pay for thier therapy/bail/rehab later.

I don't patronize bunny rabbits!!




DEFINITELY. If your child has a fair appreciation (or wants one) for sumptuous, arty cinema then this film is definitely worth a watch.

Corky St. Clair: It's a Zen thing, like how many babies fit in a tire. You, know, that old joke.


not for kids. not at all. I'd say about 14/15 for this one.


I first saw this film when I was 11. Such a visual impact it had on me. Personally, I loathe all the paranoia over age certificates on films. I was amazed at such a work and it was a welcome relief from all the Hollywood dribble that was being fed to me at the time (which I find far more offensive than this). However, it's entirely up to you but with sex as a major theme, it's not the sort of film a child wants to watch with their parents.


psymonb i salute u saw this film when i was twelve and it through me back but bnot becaus eit deisturbed me and messed me up or anything i was thrown back at the shear beauty and power of the film. it was the first sorta controversial or perverse film i had seen (the first r rated film(i live in australia)) and i could not understand that with a film that was so amazingly visual and stunning and pwerful that people did not want it around and they thought it woudl hurt people

also i think that if you are comfortable with talk about suxuality around ur child than you shoudl be able to watch it with him but u should probly explain a simple thing to him and just say that what he sees is fake it is entertainment do not do that as you live in the rela world and what u see is not real my parents said that to me and i thought that was a very good idea and i am greatful that i was privledged to see it at that age, i think the cannabilsem bit would not hurt him THE ONE ISSUE as i said is how open u r with ur child talking about sex and sexuality as there is a fair amount fo sex and full fornatal nudity on both males and females



"Dribble"? lol

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


Only if your 10 year old has seen waaaaaay more than his fair share of sex, deceit, intrigue and murder.


Appropriate? I'd say No. Not that kids should be shielded from sex. But let's face it, most adults wouldn't be able to stomach the film, probably more because of the arty excesses of 80s indie film than for the actual content. The Sopranos is much more appropriate for American children, the violence is much more realistic & graphic & there's no full-frontal male nudity. :)
