Favorite Moments?

1. Gordon's "Oh...My...God!" when he sees Batman on the catwalk at Axis Chemicals

2. Vicki asking "Where are we going?" and Batman just cuts his eyes and steps on the gas while Danny Elfmans score plays.

3. Vicki backing away from Bruce when he reaches for the fireplace poker during the apartment confrontation.


- Bruce and Vicki's first date when they're eating soup at opposite ends of a huge table - Burton films it hilariously.

- Batman rescuing Vicki in the gotham museum by coming down through the skylight and escaping on the zip line and getting into that sexy ass Batmobile - awesome

- Any scene with Knox

- The batwing flying up to the moon and hanging in front of it recreating the Bat symbol in the night sky - iconic

- The axis power plant scene where the batman and joker first encounter each other "nice outfit"

- The Joker taking over the TV and putting himself in those TV commercials - very Beetlejuice esque scene


1. When Batman busts through the window to the art museum to rescue Vicki from the Joker.

2. The Joker busting TV's with mechanical fists whenever he didn't like what the news said about his plans being foiled. "I have a name for my pain" is a great line.

3. "This town needs an enema!" and he then plays with a noise-maker.

4. Most of the moments Vicki had with Bruce Wayne.

5. That silly "Beauty and the Beast" scene in the church where the Joker's forcing Vicki to dance with him and makes that rather nasty, but funny joke.

6. "Where does he get all those fantastic toys?!"


3. "This town needs an enema!" and he then plays with a noise-maker. a great one


Strangely enough, some of the best lines went to the Joker, hehehe. Jack Nicholson did a really good job with the role.
