
I guess we just skipped the entire Blu-ray generation and maybe will, finally, get an Ultra HD release? Or are they going to skip this gen as well? Come on Cameron, this is straight up ridiculous.


If the film wasnt filmed in Ultra HD is there any point putting it on an Ultra HD disc?


Dude. Do you know what film is? 35mm? 65mm? These are analog formats that inherently have a lot of resolution, and 35mm analog film digitally resolves to around 6k, 65mm much higher (around 12k+). For instance, Ben Hur was shot in 65mm in the 50s, and we're going to be waiting some time to be able to reap the full benefits of that through digital. Unless you have a 65mm projector lying around, 4k is the best we're going to get until 8k and higher.

That's why so many films shot on... film, are released in 4k with excellent results. Many films in the past were often digitally scanned at 2k for Blu-ray, and now need to be rescanned at 4k. The resolution is there, it's been there all along. Some modern effects-laden movies shot on film have 2k intermediates for instance (LOTR), and won't be able to reap the full benefits of 4k, but that's only a small percentage. They will still benefit from higher bitrates and the improved compression of Ultra HD disks. And that's not even mentioning the benefits of HDR that these films will receive, which can be tremendous.

Another thing, now that's we're discussing this - please don't be one of those plebeians who doesn't understand film grain, and wants horrendous things like DNR (digital noise reduction) applied. Film grain is an inherent part of the format - it IS the picture, it's where all the details lie. Depending on the stock used there can be a lot of grain, or little, but stripping it away with digital filters is an absolute travesty that actually REMOVES detail. Many Blu-rays for instance have been ruined by this, and marred with re-releases that thankfully fix it (e.g. Gladiator, Predator).

A recent travesty on 4k is Terminator 2, which took the DNRed to hell 3-D version, and just went straight to 2-D with it. Everyone looks like wax sculptures, it's truly horrible. Most film enthusiasts are hoping to avoid the disasters of standard Blu-ray with Ultra HD, and in order to actually get the full benefits of it, don't want the films digital scrubbed of all their original character and detail. So just an FYI.


Hey thanks, very informative!
What happens if the analogue , high res film has , like , gone a bit yellow , like the original star wars reels?


Just rewatched this last night for the first time in 25 years ,
I dont re watch movies often , or unless theres been decades long gap.

But if they make a 4k of this , and reviews say its impressive .... I'm buying it!
...then im buying something that can show a 4k film


According to Cameron himself in an interview with space.com the 4K transfer is READY: https://www.space.com/james-cameron-tech-noir-book-exclusive

Space.com: "The Abyss" is often a neglected Cameron classic that was a pioneering film in so many ways. What can you tell us about concept art created for it and will there be a high-definition 4K transfer at some point?

Cameron: Yeah, we finished the transfer and I wanted to do it myself because Mikael [Salomon] did such a beautiful job with the cinematography on that film. It is truly, truly gorgeous cinematography. That was before I started to assert myself in terms of lighting and asking the cinematographer to do certain things. I'd compose with the camera and choose the lenses, but I left the lighting to him. He did a remarkable job on that movie that I appreciate better now than I did even as we were making it.

So I just recently finished the high-def transfer a couple of months ago so presumably there’ll be Blu-rays and it will stream with a proper transfer from now on. I appreciate what you said about the film. It didn't make much money in its day, but it does seem to be well-liked over time. The designers were basically Ron Cobb on the one hand, and Steve Burg on the other, who was lead designer of the NTIs, the non-terrestrial intelligence, the look of their city and bodies and faces. Steve was a guy that I worked with on "Terminator 2" after that. He was quite young at the time and fairly new to design.


"and I wanted to do it myself" - this is concerning. Seeing what he did with the T2 release, and that he has no issue at all slathering on absolutely horrendous amounts of Digital Noise Reduction, I'm wondering if we'll ever get a good release.

Peter Jackson and Cameron need to take their brain meds and counteract whatever caused their destructive hate for filmic texture.


And years later, still no br release. The same goes for True Lies.


The interview was published on december 18 of last year so it hasn't been a year yet. I do agree that blu-ray releases of both these films are long overdue though. They should have been released a long time ago.


Confirmed to be getting a 4K release by March 2023.


Is it really happening?


If this is true, now we just have to wait and see whether or not it's DNRed to hell.


Now he says it will be released in the second half of 2023. The release date just keeps pushing back.


You do realize that lines of resolution have ZERO effect on picture quality, right?

Of course you don’t. That’s why you are fecklessly posting here, pounding with your right hand.


There is something very seriously wrong with your brain. I'm not a doctor or psychiatrist, please do not burden me with your defects.


Cameron is now a woke bitch who hates his former, better self, and disapproves of his classic movies:

“I always think of [testosterone] as a toxin that you have to slowly work out of your system," he said.

“A lot of things I did earlier, I wouldn’t do — career-wise and just risks that you take as a wild, testosterone-poisoned young man,”

So I wouldn’t hold my breath. He lacks to will to release The Abyss (sexist comments, cruelty to animals) and True Lies (prophetic Muslim villains) - these films are bad for you, he thinks, instead he’s going to pummel you with endless Avatar sequels and their tedious eco-messaging, because that’s what’s good for you.


Once again, we can thank the fans for fixing these directors' faults - the 30gb 1080p Special Edition hybrid edit is the best thing we have currently.

If it isn't Lucas trying to bury the original Star Wars, or Peter Jackson slathering LOTR in DNR (Digital Noise Reduction), it's Cameron slathering T2 in DNR, or simply not releasing his films on modern formats at all. Or releasing Way of Water with 200 nit highlights, an absolute joke of an HDR presentation.

Do these directors need to take their brain meds?


Cameron knows what's best, I guess. He is one of the greatest directors ever.


That's simply appealing to authority in the purest sense, and is a non-argument. DNR is horrendous, and the fact that T2 was allowed to be released in that state is a travesty, as are these 200 nit quasi-SDR releases posing as HDR.

Unfortunately I think Cameron just doesn't pay much attention to home video releases of his movies, which is probably the main reason why many haven't been released - he doesn't really care.


James Cameron appeared Wednesday (27th September 2023) at Los Angeles genre festival Beyond Fest for a q&a about “The Abyss” after a screening of the film’s seldom-seen two hour and 51 minute Special Edition.

During his conversation with moderator Jim Hemphill, Cameron confirmed completion of the 4K restoration he announced last year, physical and streaming versions of which he said were “out of his hands” but all work has long been concluded. “All of the mastering is done and I think it drops pretty soon — a couple of months or something like that,” Cameron said in response to an audience question. “There’s a lot of added material that they’re sticking in there, and it will be available on streaming simultaneously. But I didn’t just want to look at the old HD transfer. I wanted to do it right.”



We'll see. Now its up to Disney to put this film on physical media release... I hope it doesn't end up exclusively on Disney+ or something.


I just read a report on my phone that he screened a 2K version at the event. Better be a typo. I think it was on Collider.



url says 4K

headline says 2K

article says 2K

The mystery endures...


I believe its 4K. At least at blu-ray.com forum nobody has mentioned anything about 2K.
