I wouldn't call this movie a masterpiece, but at the time The special effects were pretty amazing. For a short amount of time (during the 1980s) there was an "undersea village" obsession going on in Hollywood. The first one (I believe) was Jaws 3. Followed by (in no particular order) The Abyss, Deep Star Six, Leviathan, Lords of The Deep, The Evil Below and The Rift (if anyone knows anymore please add them- it's a fun genera). The Abyss, for it's time was the best looking, and had the best acting of the bunch. However, I would rather watch Deep Star Six, and Leviathan any day over the Abyss. I know that they are not of the same quality (not even close) but I happen to find them more fun. Those two films seem to be more up the original posters alley than The Abyss. I should add that the special edition of the Abyss does a better job of answering a lot of questions that the original release failed to, but we were not quiet in the multiplex age. So most films of that era couldn't be 2+ hours long (unfortunately, too many movies that are released these days are that long AND THEY SHOULDN'T BE!). I wouldn't call this the cheesiest movie ever made- that's definitely a stretch.