Fave lines

OK, what was your favorite line on the show and what was your fave scene?

Jimmy: "Sorry... Apologizing's something I only do on Sundays. Today's Tuesday.

When Jimmy pulls the gun on the dentist guy in 'Lady For A Night'.

And so castles made of sand, fall in the sea, eventually. (Jimi Hendrix)


One scene that I thought was very sweet and touching was in the pilot, when Ike came in all shaken up after he'd been kicked by a horse. Commotion ensues, whereupon Emma takes Ike into her room and wraps a bandage around his head, holds him and sings to him. The other riders look on at the scene, kind of humbled and subdued. Very sweet!


It's been years since I've seen the show but the line that I Still remember is when kid walks into the bunk house and jimmys sleeping or resting and kid keeps saying


Jimmy: you got somethin to say kid or you just like the sound of my name?


My favorite lines come from this scene. Kid is asking Jimmy advice on how to handle Lou.

Kid: I was wondering if I could ask you a question?
Jimmy: You just did.
Kid: It's got to do with Lou.
Jimmy: Oh. Well, it's about time. We were wondering when she'd finally start closing in on you. Some of us even made bets.
Kid: Who won?
Jimmy: Uh...Lou.
Kid: Glad to see I could provide y'all with such amusement.
Jimmy: Ah, we ain't making fun of you, Kid. We're rooting for you.
Kid: How about giving me some advice?
Jimmy: Sure.
Kid: What do I do now?
Jimmy: I wouldn't worry too much about that, Kid. In my experience, events just kinda got a way of working themselves out.
Kid: Well, I ain't you Jimmy. It was easier before, you know. First time I asked Lou to dance, she kept backing off. But now...
Jimmy: Yeah?
Kid: What do I do now that she's stopped backing off?
Jimmy: Dance.


What episode was the scene from when Kid is asking for advice from Jimmy about Lou?


Oh, I so remember the scene where Ike was kicked by that horse. It was so sweet the way Emma took care of him and held him. She was the mother of them all. And that scene is what establish that.

And so castles made of sand, fall in the sea, eventually. (Jimi Hendrix)


Here are just of a few of my favorite one liners:

Blind Love, Jimmy: "Now that ain't the look of a brother watching his sister when you stare at Lou is it." I love this whole scene.

Blind Love, Lou (same scene): "No one ever died of a broken heart, Kid."

Ghosts, Rachel: "The good Lord gave women breasts for one reason, to nurse children. Now the fact that those children grow up to be men, who still see woman as there wetnurses, just has a way of seperating the wean from the chap."

The Exchange, Part II, Lou (talking about Kid's letter): "How can someone be so infuriating, and so special at the same time?"

As far as full scenes:

The scene I already mentioned from Blind Love.

Kid and Lou's fight about her working in the saloon in Blood Money.

Kid's first attempt to propose in The Sacrifice, my favorite bit being;

Kid: "Now, you know how I feel about you."

Lou: "I don't mind being reminded." (I got busted using this line on my hubby a few months back.)



My favorite line was from Jimmy in the episode where Ike witnesses the killing of the family.

When Cody says he is crazy for taking in, and Teaspoon says that the Beckwith is going to slow him down something terrible, Jimmy replies...

"You pick your traveling companions, I pick mine..." then just keeps walking...

I don't know why, I just loved that moment.

My favorite scene, though, was in season 3, where Teaspoon and Jimmy are after Frank James at the ghost town. Teaspoon stops and rests his injured leg a bit and tells Jimmy that Jesse reminds him of another kid he once knew...and then tells Jimmy how proud he is of the man that Jimmy has become. I loved that scene.

"I'm Queen of the Elevator!" -Taken from "Lover Come Back"...WATCH IT PEOPLE!


My favorite scene so far is in LFAN at the end when Lou shoots creepy beating stalker guy..... "Dont look suprised, you had it comin'" PERFECTION.


This was one of my favorite episodes also. I like anything episode that Kid rescues Lou from trouble. I did like the moment in that episode when Jimmy has a tooth ache and he is in the dentist chair and the dentist tells him it is painless, and then Jimmy has his gun pointing at him and he then faints. I laughed at that one.



Oh dear, where to begin...favorite line:

After Jimmy pulls his tooth out by tying a string to the door and slams it shut.
CODY: I'm surprised he didn't shoot it out! (I definitely laugh every time)

favorite scene:
The Speak No Evil episode, when Cody decides to stay behind and slow down the riders coming for Ike. The exchange between Cody and Jimmy is fantastic. "I love you too, Hickok!" and "If you get killed, you'll answer to me." (or something to that effect!)


I love that line too from speak no evil. After he said the last line he also said "You still owe me two dollars."

Then in s2 "Blood Moon" Cody is sick they think from Cholera but it's really bad meat and Lou's taking care of him. Cody says "I'm gonna die" and then Lou says "You can't die Cody you still owe Hickok."

One my favorite line is from The Keepsake.

Cody to Buck: "Is Ike still mad at me?"

Buck to Cody "Give it some time. He'll get over it."

Cody to Buck: "It's bad when a friend won't talk to you. With him it's downright spooky."

I also like in "Bad Blood" Ike is shot and hit's his head falling from his horse and he's in bed and Jimmy is "trying" to feed him broth with out much success. he says:

Jimmy to an unconscious Ike: "Ike If your doggin' this and you ain't so terrible sick. I'll kill you."

I can't think of anymore at the moment. This was fun. :)

Shauna 8)


When Buck was asked if hes ever scalped anyone, and he says once and gestures towards Ike.

The funniest scene has to be them trying to play baseball though. xD

"For all time they will say it was our love, brought down a kingdom. Remember us."


Nearly anything that comes out of Jimmy's mouth - if it was funny.

One that comes to mind is "I've seen a horse's ass, that's about how I feel about now."

I'm liking the scene that someone has put on YouTube - Young Riders play tennis - very funny.

I'm also loving in 1st season, each time Teaspoon takes Jimmy into the steam room. Jimmy always looks like he's in pain when he's in there.


In Season 2: "The Peacemakers" When Kid is being protective and Lou says "Why don't you do me a favor. Stop being my mama and stick with being my man."

I love that line. Although I am a Kid and Lou shipper all the way, it's a great line.



I liked it when they were playing baseball in season 1 and Teaspoon says to Jimmy, "Strike 5. One more and you're out"!!!!!

I come from a land down under


May not be verbatim, but you get the gist.

Pilot: The Kid
Teaspoon: You're wearin' that colt awful low, ain'tcha?
Jimmy: Feels just fine to me.

Pilot: The Kid
Teaspoon (Looking at Lou): Kinda puny ain'tcha? (Lou jumps on a horse, and does some tricks on the horse before returning) Puny, but spry.

Lady For A Night
Emma: Come on out!
Lou: The first one to laugh gets a punch in the nose

Lady For A Night
(After Doc Luckett faints)
Cody: Emma ain't gonna like THIS.

Lady For A Night
(A door slams and then Jimmy screams, then comes out)
Jimmy: That'll teach that damn tooth to mess with me.
Cody: I'm surprised he didn't just shoot it out.

Hard Time
Man: Go to Hell, Kid.
Kid: Sorry. Already did.

Not a word you want to hear in this house.
Catch ya on the flip side.


The BASEBALL scene, hands down, was HILARIOUS!! "STRIKE 5!"


One of my favs was when Cody stole Bucks pouch and then the "spirits" got angry so he had to do a ritual. Love it at the end when he asks Buck if the spirits understand it and Buck responds "no, but it will sure give them a good laugh". Cracks me up.


One of my favs was when Cody stole Bucks pouch and then the "spirits" got angry so he had to do a ritual. Love it at the end when he asks Buck if the spirits understand it and Buck responds "no, but it will sure give them a good laugh". Cracks me up.

I think it was Buck's face that really made that quote. It was hilarious!

I also love both the "sports" scenes...but my favorite was the tennis one, where Jimmy shoots the ball. "Double Fault..."

Yay! The crazy person is here!
