MovieChat Forums > The Simpsons (1989) Discussion > Season 2 is just so perfect isn't it?

Season 2 is just so perfect isn't it?

It's the only flawless season in my opinion. Every single episode is at least great with a few of them being some of the absolute greatest in the history of the show. The pace had sped up a little from Season 1 but hadn't quite reached the zany breakneck-pace of Seasons 3-4+. The animation and attention to detail peaked this year too; the show never looked this good again.

I have a lot of affection for the later seasons of the show and I even like a lot of material from Seasons 9+ but Season 2 will always be the absolute pinnacle to me. Possibly my favourite television Season of all time.


For me, Seasons 4-8 are the best. I'm not a big fan of 'Bart vs Thanksgiving' and 'Old Money.' 'Itchy and Scratchy and Marge' always annoyed me. But Season 2 is great, and I feel the show just got better and better until Season 9 where there were bad episodes for the first time since Season 1. Though Season 9 does have some of my all-time favorite episodes ('The City of New York vs Homer Simpson', 'The Joy of Sect', 'The Cartridge Family'), it has many awful ones ('Bart Star', 'The Last Temptation of Krusty', 'Miracle on Evergreen Terrace', 'Lost Our Lisa').


Im curious to know why you think Bart Star and Miracle on Evergreen Terrace were bad? I think Miracle is one of the better xmas episodes. Bart Star is kind of silly but its still much better than anything season 10 onwards.


Principle charming is the only episode I don't like in season 2 but the rest is amazing.

I love Simpsons season 1-8 season 9-15 was great. Season 16-20 was good and then it just went average to bad for me.


Not for me. I only really like about half of the episodes in it.


I might throw in Dancin' Homer as one that feels a little more like season 1's style (and not its best ones), but overall, I agree.

There's something very cinematic about this period for the show. If I had to call any season underrated by the fandom today, it is certainly this one. Particularly with regards to how hilarious it could be already, as I feel the genuine sentiment found in this year has been well-noted.

It was also early enough that certain established elements typical of even later classic seasons were still being defined. I consider that an advantage, as perhaps more than any time this show felt like its own world rather than a cast of many characters with their own expected habits. The characters as much as ever had dimension.


2 is pretty close to perfection, but you can see they're still finding their way. To me, 2-6 is prime Simpsons.

'Remember when' is the lowest form of conversation. - Tony Soprano


I'd actually say it's season 3. Season 2 is great, but the last 2 or 3 episodes and the first one, although still great keep it from being perfect for me.
In season 3, the "weakest" episode might be the one where Lisa goes to Washington, but even that one is pretty decent. And you've such classics like Colonel Homer, Simpons Defined, the great episode about Milhouse being in love, Selma marrying Sideshow Bob...
For me, the Simpsons peaked in this season.


Season 7 was the best in my opinion.

It had:

*Who Shot Mr Burns Part 2
*Radioactive Man movie
*Homer in the 3rd dimension
*Homer becoming obese
*We meet Homer's mother
*Side Bob threatening to detonate a nuclear bomb at the air show
*Bart caught shoplifting (my favorite Christmas episode)
*The bowling championships
*George Bush episode
*We find out Jebediah Springfield was a pirate
*The real inventor of Itchy and Scratchy is revealed
*Bart gets a fake drivers license
*22 Short Stories about Springfield (awesome one)
*The Flying Hellfish
*The episode where the family (+ Milhouse) spend the 4th of July at Little Pwagmattasquarmsettport

Best. Season. Ever.

Steven Seagal Fan Club President


I'd say for the very early seasons of Simpsons where Sam Simon was most involved with the show, season 3 and 4 are my favorites of those very early seasons. Season 2 isn't bad, and definitely an improvement over season 1 for sure. However, this season still has enough weak episodes. And like season 1 I would not call it perfect, plus agree with the other person who said the show was still trying to find it's way into relevancy and to become the more refined and great show it later became. For example on what I mean on weak episodes this season that didn't stand out a lot to me, Old Money, Principal Charming, and The War of the Simpsons. Bart vs. Thanksgiving and Bart Gets An F didn't stand out much to me either, but to each their own.


Pretty much every episode you mentioned as the ones you didn't like are exactly the ones that I think are among the best the series has ever done.

In the second season especially, the focus was on issues which were relatable to the audience and they were handled in a realistic manner, with an emphasis on realistic human emotion.

Bart Gets An F focuses on his low self esteem and inability to concentrate on his school work. It turns out that Bart's acting up in class is largely a result of the fact that he doesn't want to try unless he learn that he's actually not that smart. A simple, relatable situation, and the episode is notable for having one of Miss Krabapple's best scenes when she sees Bart break down emotionally over his failure and decides to show some mercy by giving him one extra point to let him pass the test.

In the second season, The Simpsons was the most realistic family sitcom on television. In each season that followed, the plots became more and more detached from reality as they became increasingly surreal, farcical, and at times even just downright bizarre.


That's fine, I understand if you like season 2 more than me! Including preferring that over season 3. I guess myself, my preference was when the show had a little more humor, but still felt a little realistic and down to earth with emotion as well. And during seasons 1 and 2, it didn't quite have that amount of humor that season 3 and onward started to have.

That said, there still are some great episodes from season 2 I like a lot. Probably my personal favorite episode of season 2 when it came to emotional episodes from season 2, is One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish. But there are others that were great as well from this season(know these are less about emotion, the style of episode you prefer), such as Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?, Blood Feud, Simpson and Delilah, Bart Gets Hit By A Car(and the 1st ever Lionel Hutz appearance!), The Way We Was, to name examples.

We'll just have to agree to disagree over episodes like Bart vs. Thanksgiving, for example. Man, I'll miss the IMDB boards when they're gone, short of IMDB reconsidering that dumb decision at the last minute to close them down on 2/20/17. Take care.
