Naked chick at end...!
Not only does she have some delicious coconuts! she's now a bible thumping, born again reverend living in Texas. Naturally.
shareNot only does she have some delicious coconuts! she's now a bible thumping, born again reverend living in Texas. Naturally.
shareCoconut power!
shareIs she really?
That seems to happen to quite a few actresses who do nude scenes. It's intriguing they go from what is essentially public nudity/nude modelling to being very religious and assumingly prudish/conservative.
Hollywood is so evil she actually made the better choice.
Now they have something in common with the liberal feminists when it comes to being a prude.
shareJust googled it, sure enough she is a religious conservative now.
I've seen this happen with a lot of porn stars too, Chrissy Moran comes to mind.
I honestly think it might have something to do with narcissism....when they start getting older they realize they won't be able to use their bodies for attention, or they start to worry that they won't be able too, and becoming a religious convert is a way for them to continue getting attention, considering their previous career.
Men do it too, look at Kirk Cameron. When he wasn't getting acting roles anymore, he became super religious. It's like a new outlet for them to get that supply of attention they crave.
Anyway that's just my own speculation.
I wonder if those kids ever take any grief about their mom's epic cans? =D
shareCrystal DiGregorio is another "former" porn star who became a Christian after marrying a pastor. I say former with quotation marks because she now does OnlyFans apparently. She had a son in elementary school while she was doing hardcore and he was bullied for it (not sure what's worse here, the bullying or kids looking at hardcore porn).
...(not sure what's worse here, the bullying or kids looking at hardcore porn)...
Well I got news for ya; it won't be the first or last time for either.
Looks like she crossed over, but forgot to bring the cross over =D She actually isn't bad looking. She has gorgeous eyes.
It's not news to me. Roughly 89% of young men and 31% of young women admitted to having viewed hardcore pornography, and the average age at exposure is 11[1]. Google Analytics estimate that 4,700% of porn traffic increases when school hours are finished and kids get from school[2]. Exposure to pornography--including that of particularly deviant and extreme fetish activity--has been identified by studies as a normative childhood experience[3]. I believe it is a central factor to the recent sex recession (the phenomenon of young people having less sex than ever before) and the drastic decline in marriage.
For instance, a still from an interracial porn abuse video that shows a girl with braces, pigtails and a flat chest--i.e. made to look like a 13 year old--has been so viral that it's been shared millions of times online. The meme is so ubiquitous that high school students imitate it[4]. High school students as young as 16 are following porn trends and mimicking it by uploading videos including that of crushing small animals during sexual activities in South Africa[5].