Stanley Kubrick

According to the late George Sluizer on the Criterion commentary Stanley Kubrick saw it a dozen times and discussing it with George shot by shot and said it was the most terrifying film he ever saw.

Very insightful to know.

R.I.P George Sluizer


This film blew me away. The only reason I knew about it is because of Stanley Kubrick. I'm claustrophobic so that made it even worse. And I didn't know George Sluzier passed away until I saw your RIP.


"The only reason I knew about it is because of Stanley Kubrick."

Hey, me too! And I'm very glad I did watch it because it's a very peculiar movie.


Kubrick was very much interested in Reality and the Horror that goes with it. 'The Shining' may be about a haunted hotel on the surface but it's really about so much more, including people and their actions/reactions etc. The Vanishing is horrifying for the obvious few reasons but also because if you put yourself in his shoes, it's gotta be a terrifying experience. The Human Condition and how we react because of so. It's quite disturbing


That just goes to show how great this movie is.


And apparently Kubrick liked Johanna Ter Steege as Saskia so much, that he offered her the lead role in his film Aryan Papers, that was cancelled weeks before shooting started, because Spielberg's Schindler's List had just came out.


I'm surprised that it was cancelled. It feels as if there is a holocaust film made every year.


Super weird that you just bumped this thread, causing me to see it on the homepage! I'd never heard of this movie until earlier today when I saw someone mention it in an old thread about In the Company of Men. That caused me to look it up on IMDB but I ultimately decided not to download it...until I saw this bumped thread! The fact that I saw not one but two references to to this movie in the span of just a couple of hours made me think there must be something to it, so I just downloaded and watched it and I'm glad I did! Long story short: Your bumping of this thread altered the course of my life! Kind of like how Raymond's sneeze altered Saskia's life!


The man had good taste. This is one of the greatest films of all time.
