MovieChat Forums > Rambo III (1988) Discussion > 'Dedicated to the brave Mujahideen fight...

'Dedicated to the brave Mujahideen fighters' - myth?

I see the quote "Dedicated to the brave Mujahideen fighters" being mentioned as being shown in the credits on older copies of this movie (VHS-tapes and such).

It is also said that after 9/11 this was changed to "This film is dedicated to the Gallant People of Afghanistan".

There is a screenshot of the new line here:

but I'm yet to find a screenshot or something that confirms the former wording.

Is this just an urban myth?


Same thing here, I have the VHS from before the unfortunate events of 9/11 and it says Dedicated To the Brave Mujahideen Fighter of Afghanistan" (Also included on the Laserdisc Release) so since they turned on us, they changed it on the post 9/11 release of the DVD to have "This Film is Dedicated To The Gallant People of Afghanistan" I have the last VHS release of Rambo before DVD's became the new Primary Movie Format.


Wow. First confirmation of this in this thread.
Can you post a clip or a screenshot of this old wording?


I'll try and upload a video on youtube. Give me a couple of days. I'll add the link to the message board or i can direct message to you.


I saw it way past 9/11 in a TV airing of Rambo III. So yes it is true.

Also note that no Talibans flew any airplanes into any buildings. Al Qaida and Talibans are two seperate entities. For the record, the Talibans even offered to hand over Al Qaida to the USA, but the president wanted a war (or two) and that's how it goes.


Did you ever get a response?

Personally, I have the 1998 original Artisan DVD from the USA. It says "Gallant People of Afghanistan". It also has burned in subtitles (unlike the later releases). This is important as people say when the subtitles were removed, that's when the text was changed.

So, either:

1. The Mujahideen version was from an international version or TV version

2. It was changed BEFORE 9/11 for the original DVD release.

3. It was a myth. (Depends on if the guy had given you proof.)

I guess the only way to truly find out is to find an original USA film print (with the Tristar logo) and see what it says at the start of the credits.


I found this on teh internets, I did not capture this still from a copy myself. Anyone with Photoshop could have added the text.


Now brave mujahidin *beep* democracy's ass in every hole.


You have to look at the original IVE Home Entertainment release but it is there.


I'm fairly certain it is a myth. I don't recall the Mujahadeen dedication in the theater or when it came out on VHS.

Indeed, I found a NY Times article (written in 1988) that says this:

""Rambo III" is dedicated "to the gallant people of Afghanistan," and it clearly intends that its politics be taken seriously."

'Reviews/Film; Stallone's 'Rambo III,' Globe-Trotting Cowboy For the 80's Audience'

By JANET MASLIN, May 25, 1988

I'll try to dig around here this weekend and find the VHS version of the movie. I'm 100% positive I bought it prior to 9/11.

Ignoring: QuesterJonesV, MythicCDXX, Creeping Jesus/Judas, RonPaul_Lies, Digby (and aliases), ibestupid, Holiday_Hobo, sharon_18, TilaMoo, Okie-from-Muskogee/boo321, NorCalNik, Nullifidian


Ok, I found it. The bad news is: it's not a store bought version of the appears to be taped off of cable. The good news is: I'm 100% certain this thing could not have been taped any later than about the late 90's. (I stopped putting anything on VHS by about 1997.) If I had to put money on it, I would say the early 90's actually.

The dedication at that end is the same (i.e. to the "gallant people of Afghanistan").

So it appears this indeed is a urban legend......that is unless it was changed around at some other point by some other company.....but at the very least: we know the "gallant people of Afghanistan" dedication was out there well before 9/11. (See my post above for confirmation from the NY Times article.)

Ignoring: QuesterJonesV, MythicCDXX, Creeping Jesus/Judas, RonPaul_Lies, Digby (and aliases), ibestupid, Holiday_Hobo, sharon_18, TilaMoo, Okie-from-Muskogee/boo321, NorCalNik, Nullifidian


Yes, it's always been "dedicated to the gallant people..." (I first saw this movie on rental vhs in the early 90s and it said that) and it's the reason why Stallone is embarrassed by this movie and has basically disowned it ie he thinks it's portraying radical islam as the good guys.

My name is Hendry William French
