Where did the name 'Naked Gun' come from?

I was a huge fan of Police Squad! when it first debuted back in 1982. But all this time I've wondered why "Naked Gun" for the movie title? It was never spoken on Police Squad! that I can recall. Anyone know what it references or why it was chosen?

Thread_Killer_of_IMDb is out there. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until your post is dead.


I've been watching this movie for nearly 30 years and it never occurred to me to wonder why it was called 'The Naked Gun' until about 20 mins ago (oh the things we think about when we're in the shower!) Logged in here to see if anyone had an answer. Reading the responses below, there are some good answers I guess. The idea that they wouldn't want it to sound like "Police Academy" makes sense, but it still doesn't explain why they chose "The Naked Gun" specifically. My first thought on it was maybe it was a kind of reference to "The Nude Bomb." Nude/naked, gun/bomb. Both movies are spoofs. Kind of makes sense, but just an idea...


No one knows and its a plot hole
