Extremely underrated!

I just saw it and in my opinion it's almost great. Amazing performance, some awesome shots; the suspense is slow at the beginning, but dynamic at the end... Some quite good scary moments. Excellent direction.

The monkey doesn't look evil or ugly or something. It's somewhat cute, that's why it's in fact eerie.

My rating: at least 8/10, maybe even 9.

I also liked the association with "Misery".


This is probably one of the best horror movies I've seen. That it has as low as 6.1 just shows that people have no *beep* taste!


In the last few years, I've gotten into Jason Beghe as an actor and saw this in his IMDB page. While I found the premise of the movie to be intriguing, I felt the execution of it was poorly done. So for me, in some ways it failed to do its job in drawing me in, though I will admit it's passingly enjoyable.

Truck or Squad. What side are you on?


Couldn't agree more with the OP. Had a bit of originality and it's hard to find a film which will make me laugh AND gasp!



i remember it being pretty popular when it came out
