MovieChat Forums > Hairspray (1988) Discussion > I don't like this Tracy!!

I don't like this Tracy!!

When i watched both of the Hairspray movies i prefered the Tracy of 2007, because the other one was mean and the new one was more innocence.



That's really super, super girl.


I agree, Ricki Lake's Tracey was alot more annoying, Nikki Blonsky's Tracey was more likeable and I think Nikki is a much better actress.

''Someone oughta write that bitch'' - Donnie Darko


How the hell was she mean? And how can you not like her? She basiclly started Hairspray! If it wasn't for her, they may not have been a remake.

Welcome onto the S.S. Poseidon


just cuz she was in the original it doesnt mean shes better. i think the new one was much better


I just thought she was annoying. My opinion



"Mean" and "annoying" are two seperate things, kiddo.

Go take a step outside - see what’s shaking in the real world.


I never referred to ner as mean bucko

''Someone oughta write that bitch'' - Donnie Darko


What you call mean I call confident. She wasn't going to let anyone step all over her. It was refreshing to see in 1988 a young woman who was confident in her body and her ability to attract boys.


I agree. She was more in charge of things. She was nice to everybody except the mean kids and didn't let herself be bullied. She also is more confident in speaking up for the victims. I think it's too bad that girls think they have to be "sweet" all the time. There's a time not to be.


I think Ricki Lake's a better Tracy cuz she just has more personality! She's just so "I'm-gonna-show-them-all-even-if-I-get-in-trouble-along-the-way"! Nikki was good too, but just TOO innocent for me.


I agree!
She was such a brat!
She absolutely drove me crazy.

I also found the new Tracy annoying because she was just so peppy!
But the old one was horrible!
I wanted to push her off a bridge.


+1 for pushing her off of a bridge. ricki lake is just annoying period. to the people saying you forget mid point she's plus sized, no way. she was just obnoxious. & she has no rhythm. at no point did her baby sized hand waves & hand blown kisses make me look at her as if she were anything but a glorified over weight gluton, stuffing her face with those pink snow puffs.


Really, now? She's a glutton, stuffing her face with SnoPuffs? Do you know the reason Ricki Lake has had weight issues all her life? She was molested as a child.


!!! who mentioned anything about her personal life. i am sure she would appreciate you posting that here, not exactly appropriate. we are discussing her role in this movie. & in this movie they portrayed her as a glutton stuffing her face with snow puffs, remember the commercials she did in the movie where she kept grabbing one snow puff after another? as for her personal life, for all i knew (know) or anyone else who hasn't delved into her personal life, she could be significantly more health conscious than most, with a sluggish metabolism. then again, we are not talking about rikki lake, but tracy turnblat (sp?).
oh & edit: i did say rikki lake is annoying. the rest was about her character, to clarify. i am not going to retract my statement because of her past personal life. a lot of people have had disturbing things to overcome from their childhood, should that excuse behavior when you speak out as some sort of role model, like hey if you were sexually molested eat up? why not say hey you were molested turn to drugs? one is not better than another. if you want to be a role model & speak out as one, at least try to send out a positive message that could actually help others as opposed to only making their lives more difficult from the ramifications of excuses.


One after the other, eh? She had to eat the cupcake for the commercial advertisement. This movie was about acceptance, something you've clearly overlooked.

And if you actually knew anything about Ricki Lake, you'd now she's lost quite a bit of weight. But, of course, let's crucify her for using food to deal with the emotions stemming from a tragic childhood. That's What Amber'd Do.


again, we are talking about the character. & yes she ate one after the other, as in more than one in the one commercial. sure the theme is about acceptance, more about integration than weight imo. i don't think encouraging people to be unhealthy is very positive though. why not show her eating carrot sticks? LOL. now that would have been funny. instead it is celebrating, almost mocking those who are overweight, further stereotyping that all people who are overweight must eat junk food. if i were overweight, i would find that more insulting. however, apparently there are some who would rather cheer 'the fatty' on while she eats her snow puffs ("fatty fatty 2 by 4 can't get through..." {quote from commercial scene in movie}), while simultaneously they wallow in self pity as they stuff themselves with bonbons (insert favorite junk food). excuses excuses.
my brother is overweight, has been all of his life. he doesn't eat anymore than i & tries to maintain a healthy lifestyle, while i am rail thin. he knows if he doesn't maintain this healthy lifestyle he may otherwise be plagued with health problems. some people have sluggish metabolisms, it can't be helped. but for you to confuse a character with someone's real life, is a little silly. also, to blame someone's weight on a childhood trauma is also silly. it doesn't matter if one were raised by nuns, or raised by monsters, weight, most of the time, is genetic. unless food is a drug of choice. how did my brother turn out big with my being thin? genetics. he took after my father's side of the family, while i took after my mom's. while ricki has lost weight (assuming since you said she had), you can tell she has big bones, this would be genetic, not from being molested.
i can't believe i just spent this amount of time typing about something any person with reason & logic could figure out for themselves.


Ricki HERSELF said her issues with weight were due to having been molested as a child, but of course you, having a fat brother, are the expert on the topic. Not Ricki, whose life it is, or myself, another plus-sized individual. I forgot that only skinny people know about being fat. Silly me.

Some people, like Tracy Turnblad, are happy the way they are. She doesn't call herself "BIG, blonde, and beautiful" for nothing....


I know this a little late but I wanted to point out that Tracy didnt eat one snowball after another during the commercial. She took two small bites out of one of them. Big difference.

I saw a film today, oh boy.


I noticed that too. The original version of Tracy was much more bossy and domineering, and less likable. From memory, she did not even obtain her parents' permission to go on the show. However, quite a few of the characters were very different:

Penny: Amanda Bynes' version of Penny was more assertive than her predecessor, who could best be described as mousy.

Amber: While both versions of Amber were spoiled and unlikable, Brittany Snow's Amber was more ambitious and career minded; the character as portrayed by Colleen Fitzpatrick was just outright nasty, but ironically something of a reluctant star, needing constant prompting from her pushy parents.

Edna: Divine's Edna was assertive from the start, while John Travolta's portrayal of the character started with limited confidence which increased as the show progressed.

Mrs Pingleton: The first version was a nervous and rather stupid woman, while Alison Janney injected far more venom into the character.

Velma: Was more of a sidekick to her husband and a full time stage mother originally; there is no husband in the remake, with the new Velma having the negative qualities of both Von Tussell parents, as well as some of the qualities of the Tammy Turner character (who also is not in the remake).


As much as I loved Hairspray: The Movie Musical, the original "Hairpsray" will always be my #1 choice.

I loved both Tracy's, but what I didn't like about Nikki's Tracy---and it's not because of Nikki, but because of the script, she wasn't as bold and confident as Ricki's Tracy.

I really didn't like Brittany Snow's Amber because she was too middle of the road. She was neither fish nor fowl. It was as if the writers didn't want audiences to hate her, just dislike her a bit. Give me the Amber hate. Tracy needed a real adversary.

I liked the original Mrs. Pingleton because she was so outlandishly prejudiced. Again, the movie musical wields a much lighter hand on the topic of racism. The original was more in-your-face and I loved that.

Janney's Ms. Pingleton was able to hide behind her religiosity versus her racism, so even then you just think she's misunderstood. I would rather have a stronger characterization of people. Not characters made with shades of grey.


Ricki Lake is, now and forever, Tracy Turnblad.

Her Tracy was much more spirited and feisty. I can't imagine Nikki Blonsky's Tracy being able to take on that woman during the riot like Lake's Tracy does - she spits in her eye. Blonsky's Tracy was too "Little Mary Sunshine" for me.


She starts out mary shunshine, but after the whol Velma/Wilbur incident it makde her wake up and see that this is serious and not a tv show she wants to dance on.



Ricki Tracy was feisty and wasn't going to take any crap, that's what's I like. I don't know why they made Tracy in the 2007 version so happy-go-lucky.


ya its because in the new movie version, blonky's portrayl of tracy is based mostly on the musical production, which is more light-hearted and peppier.

i liked the original more though. i felt lake's was feistier, more determined, and more real if that makes sense. blonsky's wasn't really convincing, she was too nice and sweet. but it was based off the musical, so i don't blame her entirely.


ricki lake is brilliant in the movie

by midpoint, you forget that she is a plus sized girl, because she doesnt hold herself that way

when the real ricki lost all that weight, i got depressed

its the same with america ferrara...what a hottie

