I just saw this today and was inspired to come here and share a few thoughts. This came out when I was in high school and although I loved WA back then this was not on my "Friday night at the movies after AP Biology" list. On retrospect I don't think I would have enjoyed it if I took the plunge then since I simply wasn't mature enough to delve into the themes explored in this film. Now that I'm looking at life through the lens of a 40 something year old man, this movie was nothing short of sheer brilliance and a profound masterpiece. It sits atop on my WA list as well after viewing it twice today. I also realized how much I miss Gene Hackman today. The man was great wasn't he? His scenes moved me to tears(because they were perfection and no one out there today can even approach his craft). His delivery, facial expressions, mannerisms...ahh no one can match his machisimo/vulnerability/intellectual and street smarts in my book.
Getting back to my favorite Woody Allen's list, prior to watching this film, Manhattan(because of the beauty and craftmanship of the film), Husbands and Wives(because of tightly, almost perfectly focussed and executed approach on the themes of relationships as well as the sublime acting from Allen, Farrow, Davis, and the late Sydney Pollack) were candidates for #1 and #2 or vice versa. Then a notch below those, I would have to put Crimes and Misdemeanors, Annie Hall, and Hannah and Her Sisters...BUT...now let's update this discussion to the present...did any of you guys get blown away by Allen's latest Blue Jasmine? Holy Moses! I tuned out of seriously following Woody Allen after Bullets Over Broadway(his last really good film IMHO) until BJ this year. That surprised...even shocked me a little. I've all but dismissed Allen at this point in his career and here he comes up with(and this is not intended as a hyperbole) one of his absolute very best! Cate Blanchett should just walk away with the Oscar right now, why bother with the rest of the nominees? Also the themes explored in the film, namely people manipulating each other for personal gains and redemption resonated with me in this cold and money(and sex of course) driven world we live in today. And all of it was presented so effortlessly and brilliantly from Blanchett, Baldwin, Hawkins, Clay, and Carnavale. Woody Allen still got it even at age 78! I say this on AW board and not on BJ board because I still think Another Woman is my favorite WA. But what I'm saying is that Blue Jasmine still gives Manhattan and Husbands and Wives a run for their money when it comes to the #2 spot. Did any of you guys feel the same way about Allen's latest? If not, what didn't work for you?