MovieChat Forums > The Accused (1988) Discussion > Perfect punishment for rapists and child...

Perfect punishment for rapists and child molesters.

Take away their entire genitals, women rapists will have their clitoris surgically removed. Let these sexual predators walk around as freaks for the rest of their rotten lives. There is no remores or regrets in their action, at least for the family members of the victims or the victims themselves. I don't trust released predators claiming they are 'cured' and are living in my neighbor hood or even close by to it. I would be buying a gun by then and tell him or HER 'you so much as look at my 4 year old nephew, I will shoot you in between the legs, you got that freak?'


lol right on. I honestly think that'd be the only way too.


Thank you, I mean who cares about their tramatic childhood that turned them into the monsters that they are now? I don't and I don't I sill wouldn't trust them lose in the open.


Hell, lets just smash their balls with heavy boulders until everything is gushing blood and puss then let 'em walk around with dangling fleshy skin flaps, balls in hand. Then, as they're trying to get away, throw a large spear through their backs and watch them hit the ground. After that, we could walk up to them and piss all over them as they scream and bleed!

I'm not defending pedophiles in any way - they're the scum of the earth... but some of the stuff said on this forum is pretty disturbing.


My purpose for posting this is a simple way of for these peds to prove 100% that they are remorseful of their crimes and even for those (oddly enough) who don't wish to act out their desires. I don't believe in drugs, group theropy or meds to cure them, I believe in taking away their weapons and leaving them deformed and unable to get sex forever.

I would want them dead but I don't believe in murder, I am absolutely against killing.


What if you did that to someone and then found out they were innocent?


If they were innocent they wouldn't have anything to hide or fear when they follow the investigation procedures. For example, if the perp had engaged in consenting sexual intercourse then the real perp raped the victim. The police would need DNA samples to determind who the perp is.

Like I said, innocent until proven guilty and if the person claims he/she is innocent then they shouldn't have anything to hide.


The truth is noone intelligent will agree with you. Your views sound preposterous to the civilised public because they are so out of place with the existing rules of society, because such 'punishments' or similar have no chance of coming into action. They have no chance because the people who hold these views are typically brick layers, plumbers, general meat for society's grinder.

You have the company of this crowd, and we will continue to judge you for it (and tell you what you can and can't do).


Ever heard of "cruel and unusual punishment?"

Once society starts imposing punishments that amount to torture for crimes society determines are especially bad, there will be no limit to how far these punishments go.

If society swings more conservative, we will start imposing grotesque punishments for lesser and lesser crimes. There will be no end. The Constitution should not be amended to take us back in time to Medieval thinking.

It's called a "slippery slope." And torture is not what civilized countries do to criminals.


Ever heard of "cruel and unusual punishment?"

Once society starts imposing punishments that amount to torture for crimes society determines are especially bad, there will be no limit to how far these punishments go.

If society swings more conservative, we will start imposing grotesque punishments for lesser and lesser crimes. There will be no end. The Constitution should not be amended to take us back in time to Medieval thinking.

It's called a "slippery slope."

Tell me, Tava, have you ever been raped?

It is cruel and unusual punishment.

I say eye for eye.

Let the rapist be raped and tortured to the same degree as were the victims.

Let any false accusers be raped by the person they falsely accuse.

There is no slippery slope with that form of justice.


False accusers be raped by person they falsely accuse?

That makes a lot of sense. Shame by control the person who screwed you over. I don't think so. Something's a little off there. Rapists are damaged goods. They wouldn't do what they do if they weren't. You don't need to attack them for justice because most likely they already were and that's what started the problem in the first place. What makes you any better than them then with that logic?

That's your slippery slope I'm afraid. Sometimes vigilante justice has its own evils and the lesser of all evils is the best. This isn't not one of them. Keep them away from society and mandatory psychological help. It's the only way to teach them in a civilized manner so they don't feel victimized and feel they need to attack. With any luck, self-esteem will kick in, the sadistic thoughts were shut off, the rapists will be disgusted by their own behavior and they will subsequently change. It's not a perfect system, but it's the only way that keeps society from stooping to the level of the criminally insane.


"Take away their weapons"

They still have the thoughts though and if they do not have the "weapons" to hand a screwdriver or broken bottle makes a replacement. Do you honestly think a man who has been castrated doesn't fantasise???

Some people need to live in the real world and stop this hysteria *rolls eyes*


If they assult again only this time using other objects or means to satisfy their so-called urgeis then their hands and legs should be removed, making them completely unable to do any kind of harm to anyone. They would be provided with some special aids to help them carry on such as food, medical aids and so on. I thought about special assistance to help them with their lives but if someone offered me the job then I would have trouble doing that because I would hate the man I have to assist and I would only be in misery.


I don't believe in torture either but after i watched the Accused i felt nothing but hate and anger towards those guys especially the one who was encouraging them on. Its like i was in her shoes i felt so bad for her it was so awful what they did and they deserved to be torture not put into jail to eat and work out.


Works for me.


Definately for me too, that will be their scarlet letter.


Yeah...their "scarlet letter", b/c peoples crotches are ALWAYS available to the public view and all.



There is no hope in modern life.


What do you mean by that?



I am not saying that if a first time rape occurs that the perp shall loses his genitals, if it was as malicious as what I saw in this movie, I do think they would deserve it even if it was or wasn't their first time. But yes you are right, we shouldn't rush into punishment so fast so I think it should be given to those who committed it more then once. And there has to be a thorough investigation, a lot of questioning of course.

All I believe is that if the perp is really sorry for what he did then he should surrender their genitals.



Oh WTF is Statutory Rape anyways, another name for what Mary Letourneau did with her student lover? I mean who can really tell if the teen and the adult both wanted to it or not. Rape is supposed to be forced.



Exactly even when the teen is too stupid to see how wrong it was and they regret it later, it is already too late and the damage is done.



Schizophrenic are not in their right minds, drunks and drugs I don't make excuses for them. I think what needs to be taught here is how to stop turning yourselves into bystandard effected drones. Get up and do something!


Go for it, Red. Come on, big guy. Force of one, my man. Stick em.



If evidences is proven to be true and the rape did happen and the accuses had committed rape before then he better damn well surrender his 'weapon', other wise maybe then people will think seriously before they engage in sex.



What would you want? If it was your wife who was gang raped in a public place? Or your daughter? Your son, your sister, your brother or anyone that is close to you? What would you want?

Stop your bitchin and speak what you would do or have done?



"The book 'Hard B**tards' features interviews with some of the UKs most dangerous and violent bankrobbers and gangsters, all of whom are currently in prison serving life. When asked if capital punishment should be brought back, every single one replied 'Yes - for anyone who hurts a woman or a child'. I disagree of course, but do you think a rapist or child molestor fancies sharing a cell with one of those guys? Why do you think so many child molestors and rapists commit suicide before going to trial?"

Sorry, but I am a person of high principles when it comes to *beep* like this, example, I have not pity to drug addits or alcoholices because all of my pities go to the people that were hurt or killed by these addits. The child born with FAS Fatal Alcohol syndrom because the mother was drinking while carrying her baby. Must we pity her? Or the child that is born with so many complications that no one has enough patients to care for him/her. Placed in adoption no one will adopt a child with FAS unless they do for terrible and cruel intentions. All the same things with junkies only a child will be terribly damaged or killed or anyone killed or badly injured, who should be pitied more? The addicts that were so sad or depress that they delude themselves by drinking and shooting up till they are numb and "happy" or unhappy. NO! I care about anyone injured or killed by those MFers.

"Take responsiblity for your actions"

I love that phrases and as for rapists and child molesters, they claim to me a minority or a victim of circumstances. Also claiming what they do is not "hurting a child but loving them" UGH! Then they claim that it is a diseases or an addiction, something they can't help stop doing; raping and molesting children. NO they need to know how much damages they caused on the children and the women's lives, they are never truly remorsful till they endure it and live it themselves.

I can forgive a bank robbery, stolen items, money and all that can be forgiven and forgotten but lives, a person's dignity, personal safety, all that stuff that a victim felt before being violated is all gone forever and can never be given back or healed. Some over come it, deal with it and get by, some don't some become a child molester or a rapist, a victim feels so guilty that he/she commit suicide. A woman haves a rapist's baby, look at what kind of *beep* can come out of that?

Sorry NO pity to rapist or child molesters, NONE from me that is, I don't care what other people do but if anything happen to my 6 year old nephew, I will be the one on trial not the pervert that hurt him.



How about removing that part of the brain that starts sexual stimulations along with the genders.



I agree.
Actually, I'm still waiting for a news story about a rape victim who manages to turn the tables on the rapist in a way that ends with him losing his stuff. Most likely way I could see that happening would be with the the victim biting it off, if that's possible (I'm sure something like that must have happened at least once)
