Superman IV or Jaws IV...

Both released in 1987 both originals were ok the second of both films were ok both follow ups ie III+IV were awful but what was worse back in '87,Jaws IV or Superman IV?I say it's an even draw!


Jaws IV for me, there are a few scenes in S4 that I like.

Gothamite #3
But it happened at sea! See? C for Catwoman!!


Jaws IV.

At least it had some good scenes and cool deaths.


Gustav, I think the post is about which was worse.

Gothamite #3
But it happened at sea! See? C for Catwoman!!


So it was. My mistake.

Superman 4 is the worst then.



jaws IV.

i kind of like superman IV. in fact, i'm more of a superman fan more than a jaws fan.



Jaws 4 had better special effects and I will take a super smart shark over the worst Superman movie of all time anyday.

But it's a awful



The fact that anyone considered making Jaws IV makes it bad. No Roy Scheider to start with and a completely unrealistic story idea. A shark that wants revenge and swims from New England to the Bahamas, (a psychic shark by the way) followed up by the craziest way to kill a shark (stab him with the boat). But hey, Michael Caine got a nice house out of it.
