
I missed something. When did the Predator species get named?


It was in Aliens vs. Predator: Prey - it was the start of the comics that were spawned in the 90s. As far as I remember, these graphic novels, comics and novelizations came to be because at the end of Predator 2, when Danny Glover is in the spaceship towards the end of the movie, there is a collection of skulls on a wall. One of them happens to be Xenomorph skull... someone saw that and the lightbulb went on...


I remember those graphic novels but the name Yautja is fucking lame and always has been.


I kind of agree with you there... I think over time I have gotten used to it but I always that they could've done better with that name.


The term was initially introduced in the novel Aliens vs. Predator: Prey, penned by S. D. Perry and Steve Perry.
