MovieChat Forums > Predator (1987) Discussion > WHat exactly happened to Blaine?

WHat exactly happened to Blaine?

When Blaine is killed, the final death shot is one of the energy bolts into his back and out the front, from the Predator, who is fairly high up and some distance away, but about a second prior to that he is hit and stunned by something on his left side and splashed with blood. Its as if he was slashed by the Pred's arm blades but it is then too far away. What happened to Blaine just then?

I'll admit I only ever saw this on VHS after release on a CRT 4:3 telly and then on TV ever since so I've never seen a full widescreen cut of it as far as I'm aware, but I did just watch this about an hour ago on a 16:9 TV and the same width shot is there. Is there more to the sides that explain this? Also the bit about the wound being cauterised and no shrapnel was cut.

(similar to Han Solo firing his blaster in defiance when Leia tells him to keep quiet, you can see the pulse hit a bit of machinery in wide cuts, but not TV cuts, it just goes off screen to the RH)


They show the skunk, then Blaine gets splashed in the face with blood. Seemed to me the Predator shot the skunk. It’s blood hit Blain in the face and flying past hitting the bush to his right. He turns to look at what hit the bush, putting the Predator directly behind him. And then boom has an 18” hole blown in his torso.

At which point Mac grabs old painless and goes mid-evil on the jungle.
