2.8 rating is a joke!

The only thing I can figure for this ridiculously low score is that, because the first movie is a cultural phenomenon, a lot of people who have never seen a b-movie in their life ended up seeing this. This isn't a great movie by any means, but it is far from bad. Sure, it's very unrealistic for a fish to hold a grudge, but that doesn't stop this from being a fun monster movie. I consider myself a b-movie connoisseur, and believe me, I have seen far worse movies with far higher scores.

"Aliens? Us? Is this one of your Earth jokes?"


10 from me to offset all the idiots giving it a 1 just because critics told them it was bad. movies are subjective rendering critics useless but many people are susceptible to their brainwashing


It's just a bad movie, that's all. Copying from critics has nothing to do with it's reputation (especially since it's been heavily disparaged long before the internet came along and made critics more influential over people's opinions). Entertainment may be subjective, but quality isn't, you're allowed to a bad movie but when the flaws are this obvious you can't straight up deny that it's not bad.

The concept and script is downright ridiculous, beyond cliche, and full of inconsistencies, the overall direction and use of animatronics is extremely incompetent (seriously, this movie is so badly made that the climax isn't even set up well) and the acting can only be described as "OK" at best.

It was an idea that should never have been greenlit. Redundancy at it's worst!
