Your #1 favorite scene?

Mine is the very begining when u hear the music and the fin comes up out of the water over looking the Vineyard. Also the scene where the shark rips off Sean's arm.

Hey, you created me. I didn't create some loser alter-ego to make myself feel better. - Fight Club


When Mario Van Peebles is underwater in that little submarine thing and all of a sudden he looks to his right and the shark is RIGHT THERE next to him. Scary!


That scene would have been on par with the diver scene in Jaws 2 if the shark looked better.


When Hoagie is pulled into the boat (dry!) after being attacked by the shark after the plane landed in the water and says "The breath on that thing!"

🐵🐒Ape not kill ape.🙈


Definitely the part where that annoying Jamaican Peebles gets munched on and finally shut the F up.
