MovieChat Forums > Good Morning, Vietnam (1988) Discussion > 'What a Wonderful World' scene

'What a Wonderful World' scene

What a great scene...very chilling


Same with me. I thought it was just a peaceful filler scene, until all those bombs started going off.


Michael Moore stole it and used it in his so-called "documentary" Bowling for Columbine, with bad quality.




No he didn't, This film is not the first to use heavy juxtaposition in film, it's a common theme in a variety of cinema. Moore used it very appropriately and whilst both scenes were good, it was perfectly utilised in Bowling For Columbine. Armstrongs version of 'What a wonderful world' is one of the most famous songs of all time, so two films using it in a similar way is far from copying or stealing. How many films have I seen that have used the "let's get it on" song the exact same way? It suits WAWW.

Both films were great, and you putting 'documentary' in quotations is so moronic. BFC was a great film, and even if you didn't personally like it, it raised important issues and did a massive favour in helping increase the popularity of mainstream documentaries .


Moore's use of it was brilliant. Just because you ideologically disagree with something doesn't make it bad quality.



Protective, Detective, Electric Eye


That is, with no doubt, my fave scene in that whole film. I completly love it, I love the irony in it.

But please dont get me wrong, all wars are awful, I just think that that scene is wonderful


The song Wonderful World actually came out in 1967. The setting of the movie took place in 1965, so this was an error in the movie.


yeah im in 8th grade studying the Vietnam war in school and he watched that clip and had to do some thing about it. funny how all the words are the exact opposite of what our world is now.

Saw III- 10/27/06


No, it wasn't an error as in they missed the goof, but rather a deliberate decision by Levinson to use it anyway, since he couldn't resist the symbolism, and I'm glad he did. Personally I don't care if the song was released 2 yrs. later.


"The song Wonderful World actually came out in 1967. The setting of the movie took place in 1965, so this was an error in the movie."

Yeah. It's the exact same thing with "A Knight's Tale" with Heath Ledger. The song Takin' Care of Business actually came out in 1973. The setting of the movie took place in the 1300s or 1400s, so this was an error in the movie.


I think "We Will Rock You", though, was a King Richard the Lion-Hearted favorite for real.


Oh that whole movie was full of anachronisms. There should be some musician with his instrument in the background making all this music instead of it coming out of nowhere on a soundtrack. But it didn't take itself too seriously.


The song came out in '68 not '67.


Shocker 9, i think you need to stop watching movies, or learn abut a little thing called "artistic license". All you ever post about is "this is wrong" or "that is wrong!". Maybe you should go make your own movie? Then you could make a perfect film, since you know it all :)


The person was just making a comment about a goof. It doesn't mean he/she was condemning the whole movie. You're the one who needs to lighten up.


The movie is mediocre at best.

"I will not go down in history as the greatest mass-murderer since Adolf Hitler!" - Merkin Muffley


You studied the Vietnam War in grade 8? Man, there I was, studying the Battle of Hastings, and the Middle Ages!

"It'll take more than an alien freakshow to put Sergeant A.J. Johnson down!" -Sgt. Johnson


one of the best songs of all time ,beautiful


i agree with everyone - this scene is truly haunting. the irony is just phenomenal


Yeah the juxtaposition of it works brilliantly you can blame Moore for using it as well.

Buy the ticket take the ride


yes, wow. just finished the movie, and that first bomb that goes off behind the woman in the field.. absolutely shocked me. really personalized the idea of bombing in a way that rarely gets across in films.


Absolutely stunning and haunting Scene , in a stunning and haunting movie


" No Ace. Just You "


To be honest I thought it was a rip-off of the 'Nessun Dorma' scene from The Killing Fields.

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