MovieChat Forums > Good Morning, Vietnam (1988) Discussion > Erm...Robin Williams character wasn't fu...

Erm...Robin Williams character wasn't funny

Infact, he was painfully unfunny in my opinion.
Having to watch the rest of the characters pretend to laugh at his awful jokes was just cringeworthy.

Did people find this sort of stuff funny in the 80s?
The guy was just annoying, needed to shut the hell up.


Knowing what I know about the real Adrian Cronauer, upon whose character this movie was loosely based, I found the humor really forced, I mean really contrived. It was obviously a movie that was meant to play to the anti-Vietnam War sentiment: "Vietnam War - bad. Smartaleck wiseguy radio announcer basically giving the finger to all things military - good." I mean, they might as well have included a scene in which Cronauer mooned a picture of Nixon, so the target audience could have even more forced humor to titter at.

reply you have a pulse?

"You are in more dire need of a blowjob than any white man in history."


I find Robin Williams hit n miss sometimes, but he just reminds me too much of those crazy uncle types, you know those relatives in the family that are always coming up with something silly or witty to say to brighten the mood, I find it impossible not to be at least mildly entertained by him in this film.

The one part where I laughed the hardest was where he was entertaining the truck full of GIs from the jeep. That must have been all improvized stand up, it was genius.

Limit of the Willing Suspension of Disbelief: directly proportional to it's awesomeness.


I wouldn't say he wasn't funny, but I did find his performance in the movie to be overrated because he was basically playing himself.


You found Lt Steve funny instead didn't you.


I think he's a bit hit and miss in this movie. Like someone else said he had to improvise so if tre that would make it harder.


I think the OP has the same sense of humor of the anal staff sergeant who thought he was funny.


Ironically, I find him funnier when he's just out in Saigon with his friends making off-the-cuff jokes as opposed to when he's on the air. For example when he asks Tuan if he should get Trinh bananas as a gift and Tuan says no. "No, that doesn't say the right thing, you're right." :P

