MovieChat Forums > Creepshow 2 (1987) Discussion > Does Anyone Feel Bad For Fat Stuff + Ric...

Does Anyone Feel Bad For Fat Stuff + Rich Boy?

I know that they robbed the old man and woman's store but they weren't responsible for the couple's murder. It was only Sam. Anyway, I kinda felt bad that the Indian killed Fat Stuff and Rich Boy. anyone agree with me or am I wrong? And please no harsh words or comments


Guilty by association. They had it coming.

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They had it coming I think.

Course the rich kid was throwing away everything. He did wrong just for hanging with that hair fetish nut case.


Let's put it this way: Fatso Gribbens was the first to get killed by Wood'nHead. Fatso was at his run down trailer drinking beer and eating cold chicken wings watching "The Cisco Kid". When Cisco calls for Loco, Fatso mocks "Loco!" in a funny way. When Fatso says (And I definitely love this) "Loooooooo...", Wood'nHead threw three knives at him, including a knife to his beer hand, and adding a head shot. Before that, he was laughing nervously at Sam's plan. Those are my two cents if Fatso wanted in or out.

Now for Andy Cavanaugh's death, he snuck into the garage with his boombox for the trip, and when he saw his Firebird totalled with busted glass, Wood'nHead killed him two times with a tomahawk to the head. What's funny about this is that his parents didn't notice the sounds! Also, on a guilt note, Andy says "What? Yeah... whatever you say, Sam.", and that's my two cents on his death.


Old Chief Wood'nhead killed Fatso with arrows, not knives. Otherwise this is a fine summary.


I'm glad they got chopped, they didn't have any remorse about the old couple dying.


I wanted to cry when Martha was shot.

My job is to inform, not persuade- Dan Rather


Nope. Fatso was a disgusting pig wallowing in a filthy trailer. No loss there.

Rich Boy was a spoiled bratt who probably never worked a day in his life. No loss there.


A tad bit, since they only assumed they were going in there to mess with the two of them. But in the end, they had the same amount of blood on their hands as Sam.

"I'll go,because I am Cinema!" - Ben (Man Bites Dog)


They clearly didn't deserve to die. I thought it was pretty obvious they were scared and intimidated by Sam. Like when Sam told Rich Boy to bring the car around, he threatened Rich Boy that he'd come and find him and kill him if he tried to run off. Fat Stuff was also clearly intimidated and threatened by Sam after as well. I mean, Skylar White was never even threatened or anything, but everyone always defends her. Bit ridiculous. Being threatened and intimidated to the point you fear for your life is apparently grounds for death.


Hell know. They were garbage.


They had remorse. They was scared of Sam. How could they get out of the situation? But heading to LA with only $10,000 in jewels was a nutcase dream anyway. It wasnt much and Sam would have cashed the jewels and left the other two high and dry with nothing!
