Funniest scene ever?
The funniest scene in BHC 2 is where they enters Sidney Bernstein's office and charge him for unpayed parking tickets. I can still laugh when I watch that scene.
I think that scene contains all of what Beverly Hills Cop 2 humour is about. Eddie comes up with a joke and cheat a guy to believe a story to make him get what he wants. It also makes fun of the 80's and yuppie's with Mercedes, HUGHE pilot sunglases and a japanese working in an office.
The lines are classics:
- "That's my wifes car! No, no, BITCH!"
- "Caught me!? There are people out there with chainsaws!"
- "OUTCH! Let go of my arm! I'm robbing you!"
- "Aha! It's secret, like a James Bond thing?"
Eddie is also calm and not so hysterical that he can be in some scenes. One of the funniest scenes ever..