
After Wally refers to Dundee as "The crocodile, who walks like a man", Rico indicates if what he says is true, then it's a good thing they brought...."the kryptonite"................the kryptonite?!?......I've seen this movie over 20 times, did I miss a meeting with the kryptonite? A memo? ...Deleted scene?! Something?

Anyone have a theory on what he was referring to? Surely not the lighter used to start a brush fire....



Probably a reference to Superman. Kryptonite was a material that drained Superman of his powers & could kill him.


He means Wally himself. Remember Mick made Rico and Miguel think he wanted Wally dead so they'd think Wally would turn against him; and they think Wally is just as good of a tracker as Mick. Therefore, he's their "edge," or, as Rico puts it, their "Kryptonite."


because waly had painted mick to be some kind of mythical super hero the drug lord was making fun of him and laughing off his story by saying he had kryptonite with him to use against the "superhero" that was mick.


Yes also Superman and Christopher Reeve was still very much a thing and in the popular culture in 88 (despite SIV)
