MovieChat Forums > Thirtysomething (1987) Discussion > What's Your Favorite Episode?

What's Your Favorite Episode?

There are so many that I like but without a doubt, my fave is "First Day, Last Night." This is the episode where Michael and Elliot close up shop because their business has failed.

We are shown how they got there, from thier beginnings at another agency to having to settle for work at a department store when they close the Michael and Elliot company. Just as in past episodes, thier personalities clash here as Michael just wants to play it safe and move on, taking the job he's better than. Of course, Elliot wants to keep going, living the dream, and increasing the risk of going into even more debt. For him, anything's better than going back to being a wage slave, unlike Michael who just wants to provide for his family.

Those scenes in the office where they are screaming at each other while the ghosts of the past remain are some of the most powerful moments on TV I think I've ever seen.

I hope to see them again on DVD real soon.


I like the one where Gary dies, and the one of the funeral. I thought that the acting was good there.


Man, we were just talking about this show today...I clearly remember two specific times...The first season when Hope surprises her hubby at the end with a Chanuka set up after they had struggled to come to a decision about how to celebrate after the daughter was born. Then the group of them were retelling stories of their drug days....and Elliot is recounting beiong stopped by a policeman, and it ends up they were only going 15 miles an hour down the highway. Is this available by seasons on dvd?


Second Look or Second the name of the episode where Gary dies.....the best show by far.


Right now we're trying to get Capital Entertainment to release thirtysomething on DVD.

On one of their forums they are hinting at a release and are asking for ideas.

Check it out and post a message.


i like the go between episodes 1 & 2 (episode 2 has a different name on imdb?) i (heart) miles drentel, just found out the david clennon appeared on once and again as the same character and that (unlike thirtysomething *ahem*) is on dvd, i enjoyed all the office politics @ daa, and even liked the direction they were going hinted at in the last episode "california" which according to producers was written both as a farewell and a last ditch "add a kid" attempt to take the series in a more commercial direction, should it have not been cancelled


As you said, there are so many that I loved. But I would have to say "Second Look" also. The one where Gary died just after Nancy had been told her cancer was gone.


"Bachelor Party." I find the writing especially clever in this episode.


Two of my favorite episodes are But Not For Me, aka Saturday Night, and Michael Writes a Story. These are the kind of episodes that made me fall in love with the show.


The episode that Gary dies in.


OMG, you took the words right out of my mouth. Could you not do that, please, LOL? I loved me some thirtysomething and I miss that show terribly. Yes, Hope got on my nerves for being so mannish, but I loved her anyway. Melissa rocked my world because I could so relate to her and her thing for younger men. Yes, it was full of cliches but then what network show isn't? I so wish they would bring back that dang show. Miles was the guy we all loved to hate, although I love and hate that phrase. When that actor shows up in anything else I really get all alert, LOL.

Darlin', don't ever take a Southern woman for granted


I love when Susannah and Hope are upstairs in Hopes room and there is all this tension between them because their husbands are best friends and they are so very different from each other and cant seem to find a way to be friends. Susannah says something like "you are beautiful, have a perfect life, a million friends..." and the next scene is Susannah soaking in Hope's bathtub and Hope handing her a towel. you felt like they had finally bridged the gap between them and could somehow become friends.


I loved this one, too. I liked it because it all relates so well to the way that they had established Gary's character up until this point (a case in point being the "Tenure" episode). Susannah is an extension of Gary's idealism; the two of them are educated and do-gooding, but still are poor. Hope is smug and entitled as she and Michael begin to hit their stride of success. What an excellent show.


My favorites were the one when Hope finds the diary written by the former owner of the house, and she has a miscarriage and then plants a rose garden in the backyard.

Also the one when Nancy writes the children's book.

And the one when Hope and Susanne are trying to become friendly and Susanne says "You are perfect, you have a million friends, and a beautiful home, and a bathtub!" The next scene is Hope handing a Susanne soaking in her bathtub, a towel..It just made me smile!

Loved the one with Ellen in her red boots playing footsie with Woodman during a board meeting.

I must say even though the episode when Gary dies was an amazing one, it made me unbelievably depressed, as if a good friend of mine died. It was not one of my favorites.

So Many great moments in those shows, I would really like to see it on again, or get the DVDs!!


Hope found a box in the basement-and relived the lives of the people who owned the house before she and Michael bought it-made me CRY!!!


I think Hope narrates that one, right? And she talks about growing her garden and Stardust Memories plays and at the end she writes her own journal to leave behind "...My name is Hope." Great episode. I found a website with episode guides to refresh my memory and I decided I can't pick one favorite. I think I love just about all the characters and storylines, especially the cancer episodes. Liked all the office politics with Draconus and Drentell, too. And Melissa's conflicted relationship with Lee. So many great shows. Deserves to be enjoyed again and again on DVD (unlike so much other sh*t that is available.)


I'm not sure if I can choose one episode that is my favorite. I would have to say that my favorite character on that show was the Ellen character. I thought she was just like so many of us....vulnerable and flawed, neurotic but smart and relateable. I liked the dynamic between her and Hope, and how different their lives are, one married with children, the other career orientated and single. It's reality between friends.

Where is the DVD??!! Every other show on earth is on DVD except Thirtysomething!!


I cannot say that I have an absolute favorite episode. This is because I loved them all. Thirtysomething is still one of my favorite all time shows. I do have particular favorite scenes. One of them is when Micheal surprises Hope with the Christmas tree and as he's walking through teh door with it, she is lighting the menoroah (not sure if I spelled that correctly). Another favorite is when Melissa is sitting on Hope and Micheal's bed grieving for Gary. I also love the final scene in the last episode between Hope and Micheal. This was such a wonderfully written show and I wish they would do a reunion so we could see if Micheal and Hope stayed together and I'd love to see what happened in the other characters lives. I saw the last episode about 12 years ago on Lifetime and I still feel like I was left hanging.


Thats the one I remember best...Hope lighting the menorrah...I have no Idea how its spelled...Im catholic! Anyway, it was my favorite...her holding baby Janie. I loved all their characters!
"oooooh....someone needs a RAID enema to kill that bug up their ass!"


I liked the one after Gary's funeral where Gary's wife and Melissa resolved their conflict in an upstairs room at Michael's house. Everyone downstairs looked up; at the ceiling. At the end, Gary's wife started the car, looked straight ahead, somewhat stunned, and drove off.

"Two more swords and I'll be Queen of the Monkey People." Roseanne
