What's Your Favorite Episode?
There are so many that I like but without a doubt, my fave is "First Day, Last Night." This is the episode where Michael and Elliot close up shop because their business has failed.
We are shown how they got there, from thier beginnings at another agency to having to settle for work at a department store when they close the Michael and Elliot company. Just as in past episodes, thier personalities clash here as Michael just wants to play it safe and move on, taking the job he's better than. Of course, Elliot wants to keep going, living the dream, and increasing the risk of going into even more debt. For him, anything's better than going back to being a wage slave, unlike Michael who just wants to provide for his family.
Those scenes in the office where they are screaming at each other while the ghosts of the past remain are some of the most powerful moments on TV I think I've ever seen.
I hope to see them again on DVD real soon.