Why would something being brightly lit be bad or wrong? You just state this as if it's some kind of automatic fact. It isn't.
I have always hated the gloomy, dark crap they turned everything into, when the nature and reality IS brightly lit, so what exactly would be the problem of a high-tech spaceship that CAN be brightly lit, not be brightly lit? It's best to have more light to push away depression and make things easier to see.
It's definitely not TOO brightly lit whatsoever.
As far as the aesthetics go, you are making statements without explanations, without backing up anything you are saying. Why would empty space be bad? Have you ever heard of Feng Shui or human psychology? Ever heard of something called 'claustrophobia'? Open space elevates your happiness, it makes you feel like things are majestic, and if everything was 'busy' and cramped, it would make you feel like you are in a confined prison, work cubicle or some other really depressing place.
Think about anxiety, stress levels, etc. Think about how LONG you have to endure the same spaces, you damn BETTER well have as much empty space as you can!
Would you rather make a years-long journey on a ship where everything is cramped in an 'utilitarian' (for some reason, you seem to worship anything utilitarian in your post), way, or a cozy, livingroom-like, comfortable place with lots of open space to breathe, walk around, or just be?
Open space is psychologycally elevating, it makes you feel better than a cramped space. Basic psychology.
What's bad about the 'wooden structure', and why do you call it 'stupid', as if structures can have any kind of intelligence, let alone varying levels of it?
Why don't you think 'it doesn't fit in with what the ship is'? What do you mean by 'what the ship is'? Your post is very confusing, full of claims without backing up anything, and thus useless. Anyone can just spew opinionated statements and then use them to say something has 'aged' 'badly'..