anybody know where this can be got???
-preferably on DVD...
I can't say exactly where you can get a copy ....... my best bet is
Or try contacting some of the people who have the whole series on tape. You can find them, or at least forward them a message thru by readin thru the COMMENTS.
I am sorry If I'm not of much help.
PS. have done a complete earch on-line of the mini-series? There's web-sites and groups who collects, all kinds of rarities on video tape. They usually exchange videos for a fare trade of another show/movie they don't have.
i got the complete series on VHS. i can copy for ya if u would like.
shareDo you still have the series Amerika on VHS? I would be interested in getting a copy of it.
shareDo you still have copies or a way to make them for this series?
Hi Julie. Can you contact me at [email protected] so we can possibly work out a means of getting a copy of that?
Are you still making copies of Amerika?
Bravo Romeo Delta
I have been looking for this series forever. If there is any way I could get a copy from you I would definitely pay you for it. You would make my day. PLEASE contact me at [email protected] if you can.
Hi I have looked for this series for years , would you be interested in makeing me a copy and what would you charge to do that? thanks Jerry Devine Fabius NY [email protected]
shareI would love to find, purchase, rent a copy of this. Can anyone help? I have been searching ebay. [email protected]
Hi there! I, too, would love to to get a quality copy of this outstanding mini-series. I was 16 years old when this came on TV. It made a strong impression on me concerning our responsibilities as US citizens to protect our great country from ALL enemies, both foreign and domestic. I'd appreciate anyone's help.
Troy Fuller
US Army
If you are still making copies of this mini-series I would be interested in purchasing copies from you. please contact me at [email protected].
Anyone making copies still? Please e mail me and let me know. Thanks.
[email protected]
By any chance, can I get a copy of this from you? Please let me know if there is a charge, etc. I actually need it as soon as possible!!!
Thanks, Alejandra
Are you willing to still make a copy. I had a set from when it was first aired, but I missed some parts and my tape has deterioriated since then. You can contact me at [email protected]. -- Thanks Bob
HEy Julie,
I surely would like a copy of the Amerika series. Contact me at [email protected] and we can make arrangements.
I am just another person searching for a copy of this series. I have adult children who have never seen this movie. I would love to show them . With all the reruns of various shows/movies you would think this would show up some how but haven't seen it yet. If anyone else knows where to get a copy let me know.. Yes I tried Ebay and Thanks
I have a box set... I was very lucky to get it off Ebay back in 2000. Keep looking and checking Ebay... it is bound to show up. Also there are several copies of the novel for sale on Ebay.
I know it's been over a year since you originally made the offer to make a copy of Amerika, but if the offer still stands, I'd be very interested. Please let me know. Thanks in advance.
Hello julie,
Are u by any chance still making copies of america. please let me know. i will pay.
Hey!!! I am still another person looking for a copy of this fantastic mini series. Is there any way you could accomodate me? How much? thanks, [email protected]
shareHas ANYONE heard about where they can get the Amerika tape at a reasonable price? Thanks.
shareI just received my 3 DVD set from (, can't recall). They take old VHS videos and transfer them to DVD. The quality is good considering the age of the original video. I spent about $50 but it was worth it. I live in DC and it was delivered in about a week. I have 2 more DVDs to go.
shareJulie 1984 ... I know you posted on this site 18 months ago, but I would like to purchase a copy of the Amerika miniseries that you taped. If you still have that and are able to do that, please e-mail me at [email protected]. Thanks!
I have the Amerika mini-series.
shareI am restoring this series from the 3/4" broadcast video tapes (which i found in the oddest place) to DVD -- i have not scanned through all the tapes yet (there are many) , the quality is mixed (but better than VHS of course)
I have an original VHS recording of the show from when it aired in 1987. Getting kind of yellowed and jumpy in spots but hope to get it transfered to digital. Having some sync issues and don't know if they'll ever be resolvable. I have also been trying to contact ABC about a re-release of the series. Maybe if they got inuendated with requests they would re-release or re-issue. Even a re-showing would let us get a copy.
shareI was wondering if you was able to get this movie on DVD? If so, I would like to purchase a copy. You can contact me at [email protected]. Thank you, B.J.
shareI am also interested in buying a copy of Amerika (either VHS or DVD). If you can help, please contact me at [email protected]. Thanks!
shareI would love to get a copy of this movie!!!! I have been looking for years for the thing. let me know know if you are willing to make me a copy and the price you are asking for it. PLEASE RESPOND TO THIS !!!!!
If you are still making copies of this tape please contact me at [email protected] thank you
shareyou can get it on vhs at
I got a 5 disc copy on dvd at, Ron has transfered it excellently and it was only $35 including shipping. Check it out. There are others there also but don't know about quality. He list as rareminiseries. Just type Amerika in search.
shareThe above person is correct that it is on However a person has it on there for $12.00 plus $6.00 shipping.
shareThere are still several DVD copies for sale on ioffer. I hope they're of good quality -- we simply have to get a copy! We learned last night that the office that my wife used to work in at a London (Ontario, Canada) hospital was used for a scene in this movie!
We're not looking forward to going through 14 hours of the movie to find what may be a tiny scene just to see her office, but it will be fun if we can find it.
I have the movie on dvd from the actual aired show. If you are interested in a copy, email me:
[email protected]
Flaming is posting negative hateful inflammatory comments. If you are being flamed notify IMDB!
It is on ebay regularly.
Search Amerika DVD . There are 3 out there right now (Now being 14 Jul 2006)
Note though, those DVDs on Ebay are copies of the VHS verision...someone took the time and effort to burn the VHS version onto discs. Nevertheless, they're not bad copies, I purchased "World War III" on DVD which I knew to be a unoffical "copy". You'll find the DVDs to be as clear as the VHS plus you'll get chapter selection. Not a bad deal if your looking for a decent copy of this film.
"I'm a vehemently anti-nuclear, paranoid mess, harbouring a strange obsession with radioactive sheep."
you can find 'amerika' on, if it's not the good adress check on google, I have just ordered it. It is available on DVD or VHS,however it won't be a digital quality, even for DVDs, but it's better than nothing.
see you