MovieChat Forums > Salvador (1986) Discussion > Stone's most underrated film

Stone's most underrated film

At least, I think so. Facts and preachiness aside, an incredibly powerful film that everyone seems to have forgotten about.



I absolutely agree, although I think I'm in the minority who think the whilst JFK was wildly inaccurate, it was compulsive filmmaking.

But salvador is a great film due to the manic, emotive performance of James Woods. I absolutely agree that Newman didn't deserve the Oscar in 1987, I don't think many people would say that he did (not for The Color of Money, anyway). Bob Hoskins was also fantastic that year in Mona Lisa. I actually think he edges it, but I wouldn't argue the point too strongly.


I like this film a lot, but I would have to say that Talk Radio is his most underrated film.


I agree, a truly powerful film that leaves you speachless. Natural Born Killers was awesome too, but no nearly as powerfull, it was more of "OMG That was crazy!...what's with that cartoon robot?"


This is among the greatest movies I've ever seen, in spite of its many flaws. I suspect that in the long run it is the film Stone will be remembered for.


I don't think this will be the film for which Stone will be 'remembered' but arguably it is his best to date.

Come blog with me:



It is a very good film and has not lost its quality with time.

By the way, watch Tamarindo and St. Peter Ording by hypertypers on You Tube - see what you think about them.


