MovieChat Forums > River's Edge (1987) Discussion > Crispin Glovers performance...

Crispin Glovers performance...

Amazing. The crazy tone and inflection of his voice, all his "speeded-out" mannerisms, his (dull one moment emblazened another) eyes. Wow. All of it. He is amazing in this movie, and the major reason I keep coming back to this movie.


at first i thought he was too over the top but i got used it realizing that that's how the character was supposed to be so the performances works for me. though for me i think dennis hopper is the best performance in the film.


I agreed, his acting was soooooo distracting at the beginning, it detracted a lot from the composition of the film... but as more and more christian references were thrown into Lane's character, I could SLIGHTLY understand Crispin Glover's choices. Totally loved the sign behind him saying: JESUS IS COMING, ARE YOU READY? It just pushes a normal helpful-but-not-really teen into a much deeper character.

I cannot stand his voice however, the body, I can understand... but the voice was extreme to the point where my throat was hurting just listening to him talk.



Aside from startling me through the film..I wonder..what happened to his character at the end of the movie?


I just saw this movie and thought that Crispins performance had to be one of the absolute worst I've ever seen. He completely overdid every sentence that came out of his mouth.



he was sooo entertaining in this, but no one on planet earth acts like that 'just duit'

theres always someone, somewhere with a big nose, who knows


Are you kidding??? He's a terrific actor...I think it's just the character he's portraying that you don't like. Crispin Glover (and Dennis Hopper) are the reason I love this movie.


It's funny how many people don't get Crispin. It seems like only intellectually superior people are the ones that tend to get him. Atleast this is what I've found to be true...and going to acting school or being an actor doesn't give you any more insight or an upperhand on the topic. You either get him or you don't. Sorry. :)


Actually, being an actor WOULD give someone a perspective that a non-actor wouldn't have. Intellectually superior my ass... unless of course you assume that everybody who shares your views is intellectually superior. Personally, I find Glover over the top in this film.

"Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"


One of my favorite actors ever...I just hope it is an act. I sometimes get the impression it may not be.


does glover have a lot of screen time in the film? just wondering because i'm looking forward to seeing his performance.


yes, glover has a ton of screen time, close to the most =keanu reeves

theres always someone, somewhere with a big nose, who knows


I was recently at a screening of Crispin Glover's film What Is It? He was answering a question from the audience afterwards, and he said that his favorite films that he appeared in were this one and The Beaver Trilogy.

I agree with him on both counts.

His performance in this one is one of my favorite all-time performances by any actor in any film. As is Dennis Hopper's.

This is truly a classic. It truly deserves a place in the top 250 here. One of the few films to which I've given a perfect 10. It really deserves an 11 though.


Yep, Glover and Hopper steal the show. I was so glad there were few scenes with both of them.

No one can survive becoming a legend.


Yeah, Crispin Glover's performance was awesome. He pretty much made the whole movie for me.


If you want futher proof that Crispin Glover rules Youtube the words Crispin Glover David Letterman, you'll see what I mean


I saw both those episodes. I have no opinion about Cripin as an actor either way, but how does that prove he "rules". He was a crazed drugged out crazy person. Twice.


I've been to 2 of his Trilogy screenings and during the Q & A afterward I was amazed at how calm, soft-spoken, and articulate he was. I truly believe that he is just one of those brilliant artists who can turn it on and off whenever he chooses. People are always going to wonder who "The Real Crispin Glover" is..

But yeah, saw River's Edge for the very first time last night. He was hilarious and creepy and insane. A pleasure to watch!


I am of the opinion that a good actor is one who stands out, is interesting, and has something to offer to a film. In Glover's case, his performance is easily one of the funniest, most entertaining performances I've ever seen. Right up there with Nicolas Cage as Peter Lowe in VAMPIRE'S KISS. So yeah, he's a DAMN GOOD actor! One of the best.



I just rewatched this one for the first time since I saw it when it came out. Wow time passes by!

I felt that Glover was over the top and I think some of the young actors/kids were not that good either. You can look away a little as they were kids and they were playing kids too. Crispin btw only smoked pot from what I could see so I dont buy the talk about meth

Dennis Hopper was great as he was doing his usual stuff at that time, Keanu was fairly good and that girl who played clarissa was good too. Overall I think the movie have aged a little but I still liked it a lot

"if seagal was thinner this could have been a theatrical product."


Yeah this is my favorite movie for Crispin Glover, Dennis Hopper, and Keannu Reeves. Awesome movie


The first time I saw this movie, I thought Crispin was way OVER the top and annoying.

After watching it again...well all I can say now is my first opinion was right, but I believe that was what Crispin was going for, and I admire the performance now and think it was quite brave of him.

How old was he when he took this role? As I do not know of many young actors who would have went all out as he did.

Just looking at the amount of responses about the "character" he played...well you have to admit he stood out!

Keanu also was perfectly cast, while I do think he tends to play the same person over and over again, I like watching him on screen...watching him to me is like wrapping up in a warm, cozy, comfortable blanket.

As for the previous post that Layne (Crispin) only smoked pot....did you forget the scene where he is tossing down pills before he passes out at the stop light?

As weird as it may sound, this movie brings back my childhood I can completely relate to the characters in the movie as I had friends that dressed, acted, came from the same backgrounds etc...and yes I WAS the girl that would have grabbed some sleeping bags and taken Keanu by the hand for a romp in the park ;)
