Bunch of cowards...

It seemed like that platoon was filled with cowards. Junior didn't want to fight and he left Bunny,O'Neil wanted out and he hid in the final battle.Francis stabs himself to get out...NO WONDER WHY THE USA LOST THIS WAR!

The 21st century is when it all changes



You have obviously not experienced any combat. O'Niel was all alone and had he not hidden he would have been killed. Remember, there was no such thing as being a coward in Vietnam. Francis, and most others, did NOT want to be there and realized they were fighting for nothing. Junior is a coward but combat can make you freeze up one day, and do some Medal of Honor heroics the next day. Its petrifying. I would not wish it on anyone.

Haters gonna hate


nothing wrong with being a coward.



There were a whole host of reasons why the Americans lost in Vietnam, but one of the main reasons was the structure of the tours of duty. US army personnel were required to serve 12 month tours, but were frequently switched between 6 months on the frontlines or boonies, and then 6 months in a base camp. The military also skimped on cost by rotating out individual personnel instead of whole units, so there would be green recruits mixed with veterans who didn't know each other as a unit. Contrast that to WWII where soldiers were there for the duration of the war together. They were more concerned with staying alive and ticking down the days on their calendar than they were with following any mission objective..


~ That's much too vulgar a display of power, Karras.



I thought they lost because they were too busy raping innocent young girls and murdering each other along with everything else. Murica


they lost because they were too busy raping innocent young girls and murdering each other along with everything else.

It's kind of exaggerated; GIs as war criminals is the one thing the Pro VC crowd still has to hang on to--I mean in the 1975 Oscars they were gloating how the National Liberation Front was going to build a 'democratic pluralistic society' after overthrowing the 'despotic American Puppet Regime'...and of course they didn't, they acted like commies always do: killing, imprisoning & exiling their 'class enemies'. So naturally the 'American War Crimes' is something they still have near & dear to their hearts so they don't feel they were totally wrong for supporting 'Uncle Ho' & his merry band.

Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!?


>>> too busy raping innocent young girls

What is the basis for this? Do you have statistical evidence of widespread rape committed by American soldiers in the Vietnam War?

Scariest words in English: We’re from the federal government and we’re here to help. R. Reagan


From my prior post:

"GIs as war criminals" is the one thing the Pro VC/NVA crowd still has to hang on to--I mean in the 1975 Oscars they were gloating during their acceptance speeches how the National Liberation Front was going to build a 'democratic pluralistic society' after overthrowing the 'despotic American Puppet Regime'...and of course they didn't, they acted like commies always do: killing, imprisoning & exiling their 'class enemies'. So naturally the 'American War Crimes' is something they still have near & dear to their hearts so they don't feel they were total idiots for supporting 'Uncle Ho' & his merry band.

Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!?



Never ceases to amaze me how people see a film and conclude: this is reality.

Scariest words in English: We’re from the federal government and we’re here to help. R. Reagan
