Different Versions

It's good to see this movie running on Epix this month. I love with the movie pops up on cable. What drives me nuts is the different versions of this movie and how the first directors cut blended with the theatrical cut and now there are different versions shown all over the place.
I miss a part of the movie that played in theaters in 1986 and was on the first VHS. Just before Will figures out how the killer chooses his victims, he tells Jack he sympathizes with the killer as a child but as an adult someone should blow the sick _____ our of his socks. That scene has been long gone from all versions. It's great dialogue. Not to mention several of those scenes. Wish I could see the very first version again.


I hear your pain!!! I was just reading the "alternative" versions of this film and it is quite mind bending. If the Anchor Bay "Directors Cut" is truly Mann's finally take at least offer all these as deleted scenes!!! It feels like everywhere in the world got a slightly different cut of the the theatrical version.


I just watched this movie for the first time, I watched the bluray version and it had that bit of dialog :-)


Which version has the most footage added in? Is this Michael Mann's ''preferred'' version?


I miss a part of the movie that played in theaters in 1986 and was on the first VHS. Just before Will figures out how the killer chooses his victims, he tells Jack he sympathizes with the killer as a child but as an adult someone should blow the sick _____ our of his socks. That scene has been long gone from all versions. It's great dialogue. Not to mention several of those scenes. Wish I could see the very first version again.

I used to have both versions on DVD, the theatrical release (containing the quote you mention) and the director's cut, which didn't have it. I seem to have lost the former during a move.

Another line of dialog missing from the director's cut is Will Graham mentioning two of Lecter's surviving victims: one on a respirator in a hospital, the other in a psychiatric ward.

In any case, both should be available from Amazon, at least as used copies on Amazon marketplace.


On that same subject, I think the:

"The psychologist called him a psychopath. They didn't know what else to call him."

line is missing from the director's cut as well.



Wait a minute... who am I here?


Another great scene that gets cut is when Graham visits the next family after Dollarhyde's death. It's on my directors cut dvd but has been cut on cable and other formats from time to time.


Some versions cut alot out of the scene of Crawford and Graham with the Atlanta PD. Graham speaks in front of the room, and has more to say about Lector's surviving victims that is not in the current NetFlix version.

You just have to be resigned-
You're crashing by design


The UK blu ray has both the theatrical and directors cut. At least one of them has that line and the APD stuff.

Glasgow's FOREMOST authority Italics = irony. Infer the opposite please.


I have the Limited Edition DVD Set, the Divimax Director's cut DVD
and Blu-ray. Though it's nice to see the deleted/alternate scenes,
the theatrical cut is the definitive version imo and has Graham's
"My heart bleeds for him" dialogue restored. Mann keeps making
director's cuts which I think he prefers, but the films are fine
the way they are.
