MovieChat Forums > Lung hing foo dai (1987) Discussion > Don't use God in your film title

Don't use God in your film title

Martial artists using God anywhere in their film titles is gonna bring misfortune !

Game of death , G.O.D , Bruce Lee dies before completing

Armour of God , Jackie Chan suffers a skull fracture


I thought Jackie was the same age that Bruce was when they had those accidents, but Jackie's accident happened a few months before his 32nd birthday.


"I thought Jackie was the same age that Bruce was when they had those accidents, but Jackie's accident happened a few months before his 32nd birthday."

Are you sure you are not making a typical mathematical mistake here?

How old are you when you are born, your FIRST birthday?

A year after, your second birthday (2nd birthday), you are one year old, right?

Then if you mean he was going to be 32, it would've been his 33rd birthday.

Also, WHAT THE HELL does this have to do with the topic of this thread?


Bruce was 32 when he nearly died in May 1973 and when he died in July. His birthday was in November.

My initial line of thought about Jackie's age was due to Jeff Yang's timeline when he was assigned to write his autobiography. Jeff made it look like Jackie made one film after another in 1985 whereas Jackie, in typical Hong Kong fashion, was filming different projects at once. Many years after I had read Jackie's first autobiography, I found out that his head injury happened in September 1985.

Previously, it made sense to assume that Jackie was 32 when he had that accident because he talked about it being Christmas time when filming the finale to Police Story, which was released in December of 1985. Given how long it usually takes for Jackie to go from pre-production to production, it made sense to assume that the Armour of God accident happened some time after his birthday in April 1986 (when he turned 32).

Also, people seem to forget that films are not filmed in chronological order. There is nothing to suggest that Jackie hadn't already filmed scenes prior to the opening sequence. There are photos of Jackie with short hair where he was interacting with other members of the cast in different locations to what's seen in the post-accident version of the film. Even when you watch the opening sequence, you can tell that it wasn't filmed in chronological order because we see Jackie with short hair in shots following the tree branch stunt - even the bit where he jumps to make his final getaway (it's only when we see him sliding down the hill that he has bigger hair following the months of recuperation).


That's an interesting thought, but I am sure it was just a coincidence, or there would've been way more similar 'coincidences'.

I never even realize 'Game of Death' is 'GoD' - but then again, the small letter, like 'of', is not an official part of the acronym, si 'Game of Death' should be 'GD' or 'GoD', where the 'o' is small, so not the same as 'God' or 'GOD'.

By this kind of logic, this movie is 'AoG' anyway.

I think a better case can be made for using the word 'DEATH' in your movie title, as there are probably more numerous examples of that kind of curse. However, I an inclined to think even that is just a coincidence, as why would animalistic utterances, like letters have that kind of power over life, death and injuries, unless there's so much supestition that the supestition itself causes carelessness, and through that, injury or death.
