How old?

How old was everyone when they first saw this?
I was like in 4th grade and our music teacher brought it in.
I liked it a lot.
Made my mom go out and buy it for me.


I was probably around 3 or 4 when I first saw it. I'm 23 right now and it still brings a smile to my face.



Weeelll... after enduring about five years of my parents "versions" of the songs, i finally got my hands on it when I was like 14...AND LOVED IT! Now I'm the one who randomly sings it! :P

Dude I'll beat the dude outta you!


2 :3

he shot my hair! SON OF A BITCH!! -Princess Vespa


I was 3 when I first "saw" it. Didn't really find anything special about it, at the time. It wasn't until I was in the 10th grade that I saw it again and it really blew me away. Loved it ever since. Easily my favorite musical of all time. =)


I saw in the theater when I was 15. I liked it so much I went to see it three more times during the same week.


I was 11 or 12 years old--I can't remember exactly. I do remember, however, that I was in 6th. grade at the time: I watched it on TV one afternoon when I was the only person in the house--and I was supposed to be working on homework.

-----<--<@ Corduroy pillows: they're making headlines!



I was out with my cousin when I was 6, had the choice to watch "A movie about a man eating plant" (this" or American Tail. I chose the later. When the kids on Head of the class did this, my sister wanted to see it. I guess I was 8 or 9. Years later, my babysitter and friend brought it over to watch- the night before her wisdome teeth were taken out! She coverecd her eyes at Orin scene.


this year
my school did the play.. and later the movie was on
15 yrs old



Well since this was made only 3 years after I was born I saw it aroung 1992 so that would be 9yrs old.


Like around four or five i think


Five when I saw the film, six when I saw the musical live.

If you're a bleeder and you know it, clap your hands.
