How old?

How old was everyone when they first saw this?
I was like in 4th grade and our music teacher brought it in.
I liked it a lot.
Made my mom go out and buy it for me.


I must have been about 6 or so.


I was in 5th grade. I was 10. That was back in 1999 so I was a later lover of this film.


Nine years old with my mom. The movie kind of creeped me out back then.


I saw my high school do it when I was 12 and I was instantly hooked. It became my favorite musical. I saw the movie the day after and have been dreaming of being in the show ever since. I finally got to be in it, and played the voice of Audrey II. it was the most fun I've ever had doing any musical I've ever done.


I use to watch it back when it first came out in 86 or 87.. It use to be my favorite movie as a kid ( i was around 4 when i started watching it) cause my uncle would always have it on when we'd go over there. Owned it on Laserdisc actually and let me watch it anytime i came over lol. Good ol' Laser Disc


I would have been 6 or 7 back then and it creeped me out too. I don't know if it was the plant or the creepy dentist but I seriously could have done without it.

Funny thing is I'd seen all kinds of movies I shouldn't have by that time so it's not like I was sheltered or anything.


18... just saw it last week. I loved it!


Yeah, I was a late bloomer with little shop too... I was aware of its existence beforehand.. but I was actually a whopping 24 when I first saw it in its entirety. Afterward I thought, "how have I lived my whole life without seeing this?" and immediately went out and bought the soundtrack, lol.

"Milk's one of nature's... non-temperature hang on-ers."


I'm not sure how old I was cuz I was so little... My dad just put it on one day and my brother and I were amazed by it.... And since then we've been hooked.! =P


7th grade saw it on TV

When in doubt kill it.


I saw it at my aunt and uncle's house in the summer of '95 so I was 10 then. My aunt put it on for my cousin and I, and I've loved it ever since.


My brother and I saw in the theater when it came out in 1986. I was 12, he was 7. I loved it and it's become one of my favorite movies and I think he thought it was okay.


I am not exactly sure when..Probably when I was around 5 or 6. My dad had a lot of cool movies of VHS that were classics for me and my siblings. LSofH was one of them.


I was really, really little. I think I was 3 when I first saw it on tv - and then I didn't se eit again til I was about 6. Admittedly, it wasn't until a few years ago when my parents bought me the DVD for Xmas that I realised what I'd been watching. When I was little, all I could think was "Haha, talking plant", when I watched it properly I couldn't believe that he chopped Orin up to feed to the plant.

I love it though, one of my favourite all time films. Seeing the musical in April and I cannot wait!

#And Goodness Knows, The Wicked's Lives Are Lonely#


Same here. I watched it a lot when I was little, then didn't watch it again until about a week ago after seeing the play at my high school. I was just amazed that my parents let me watch it, and that the violence of it all never really struck me. Loved it then, though, and I love it again now.


I don't even remember. We had it on video when I was a kid. I must have been 3. It's one of the first films I remember seeing.

I saw a stage version of it when I was about 8.
Arwen: Nîn o Chithaeglir
lasto beth daer;
Rimmo nîn Bruinen
dan in Ulaer!



I saw it for the first time last year, I was 15 and I still love it.

"You see? Just like the mounties, we always get our man."

Captain of Team Norrington



I saw it about a week ago
In music
And finished watching it today
I'm 13
I really like it, though
