Yet, what you did was to accuse the OP. And, it was NOT the OP who even came up with the idea.
Yes it was. The OP didn't set the assignment, but they
did come up with the thesis. (Unless I'm a total misunderstanding buffoon - which does happen occasionally.)
And, yet, you have offered not one single word either 1) to support your assertion that there is no racism present, or 2) to counter any evidence or arguments related to the premise.
Agreed. I have, in this instance, fallen into the exact same trap as those with religious faith. I proceeded under the assumption that I was correct in my views, and that all facts needed to support my argument were pre-existing conditions of my beliefs. This is not only lazy debating, but - as you quite rightly suggest - ignorant. My bad. (I still think I'm right though!)
Simply bashing the people who are taking part in the discussion or bashing the concept of the discussion is, pardon me, just plain ignorant and stupid.
Yup. I'm just plain out of line here. It annoys me when others do it, and I thank you for holding up the mirror for me. Apologies all round.
When you are unable to provide any kind of support for your own thesis or to logically counter someone else's, yet you bash, you come across as an idiot
Again, agreed. However, it wasn't so much that I was
unable to support my own thesis. It just didn't occur to me to try, since I was already stuck in that 'belief' trap by then. I 'knew' that I was right, and therefore all supporting arguments kind of got 'taken as read' in my own mind. My, what an ass I am!
your mantra ("people see racism everywhere!") outs your prejudices.
A worthy point to ponder. However, that’s
not exactly how my ‘mantra’ runs. It’s more a case of “people who see racism everywhere see racism everywhere!” (Go ahead and snicker!) As to prejudices, yes, I have ‘em. But don’t be too sure you know what they are! You may be surprised.
No, you have expressed an attitude. When you denigrate some people for their inquiries by lumping them in with people whose inquiries you disparage with a self-serving diagnosis ("obsessed"), without even addressing the inquiry, then it is an attitude. You said not a single word that in any way addresses the actual question presented. It is like if we were standing in front of the milk in a grocery store and someone said "I smell something... do you think there could be some spoiled milk here?" and you were to reply "some people obsessed with bacteria find spoiled food everywhere", well, that doesn’t help the consumers who may purchase the milk and then get sick. Several people here have given evidence of a smell and you dismissed it with no analysis. That is NOT an opinion. That is an attitude.
Fair enough. I stand corrected. You are quite right to chastise me, and I'll try to keep a stiff upper lip while you deliver the spanking I so richly deserve. (Try not to leave bruises though, as - since I clearly talk mostly out of my ass - I'll be needing to save
some face for further public speaking.)
Additionally, in support of attitude, you have, more than once, given this story a wave-of-the-hand pass ("WHOLLY [sic] INNOCUOUS ") even though strong arguments can be offered for its moralistic considerations of socioeconomic-political systems.
I like your style! Perhaps I should explain the 'wave-of-the-hand pass'. I grew up with "Little Shop". My dad was in the original West End cast (with Ellen Greene herself), and since the show was for two years the centre of my young life, I am perhaps more personally vested in it than others. I attribute much of my "attitude" to this point, as clearly this has not been my finest debating hour! I guess I got defensive of something I hold dear to my heart, and lost most of my reasoning skills as a result. If you can find it in your heart to forgive me on this occasion, I still fully believe that there is no racism in "Little Shop", and would like the opportunity to offer arguments in support of this belief at a later date. Right now, I must attend to licking some of these wounds. You have delivered a sound drubbing and won a decisive victory. I salute you!
P.S. I corrected my spelling of ‘wholly’ in your quote, since evidence of my inability to spell simple words was, I feel, not needed to further prove your point about my obvious idiocy.