MovieChat Forums > Labyrinth (1986) Discussion > Movie is not great but not bad

Movie is not great but not bad

It has some great visuals and puppetry, the story is simple. You could say it is a rendition of Alice in wonderland or the wizard of Oz. I just find the premise a bit too straight forward, maybe I would have liked it if I watched it as a child opposed to watching it yesterday as a 35 y old man.


Yeeaah, I don't think it was made for 35 year old men, haha. As a 35 year old man, you can see why a child would love it?


Yes because I remember liking Alice in wonderland when I was a child and that movie is not strong on plot either. When you're a kid all you want is colorful visuals a colorful bad guy and colorful good guys or girls. Labyrinth has some pretty great visuals and yes you can tell a lot of it is fake sets and muppets buy a kid would like it.


It’s rated PG.

Which means Parental Guidance is required.

Parental Guidance is defined as, “the content may contain classifiable elements that may be disturbing or harmful for young viewers, and that parents or caregivers are in the best position to decide whether or not a child in their care may access content classified as ‘PG’ subject to the specified rating applicable to such content.”

Which means it isn’t strictly a “kid’s” movie.


It's a kids movie, it has muppets. We might agree on using the term "family movie".



And family’s include 35-year old men who expect to be entertained.


Entertained by watching Labyrinth alone while sitting in their boxers.

And, let's not forget that some 35 year old men cried when Iron Man was killed.


Your point?


I think we know the kind of adult men who would watch this film.


I'm watching it RN in my boxers. i'm 47 years old and first was this when I as 9 years old in 1986. i'm now planning on getting my grandkids to watch it. I think a 9 year old today would love it as 9 year old me in '86.


Well, the movie is pretty much a 'slightly charming failure'. The musics are pretty awful for 1980s movie, everything is dark, colorless, bland, grey, brown, etc. Not nice bright colors anywhere.

The lead actors are ridiculous. I mean, the woman is OK, but a bit 'meh' - I don't see why anyone would think she's anything special. Her facial features are so basic and common, too, and her acting ability.. well, it doesn't make you admire her skillz.

"Mr. Bulge".. I mean, The Goblin King - how ridiculous is his character? Is he good? Is he evil? He seems to fluctuate and eventually, settles on 'impotent'.

The most impressive thing about this movie is the owl animation in the beginning, especially considering the year.

I saw this movie in a peculiar order; I actually played the GAME, first. The game seemed fantastical and interesting, but suffered from bad gameplay, and it starts so boringly I almost never saw much of it (pure text for a long time).

There are similarities, but to me, the game is a better experience. It doesn't have annoying baby screaming, it doesn't have a bratlike character (she is so annoying in the beginning), or david bowie's big, bad bulge to scar you for life.

It even seems more imaginative - it at least provokes your imagination a bit more. In the movie, everything is 'served on a silver platter', so your own imagination does not get engaged.

All in all, this movie feels a bit unnecessary. There is no sense of epic adventure, nothing much is resolved in the end, a girl grows up from spoiled child to a bratty teenager, that STILL isn't able to abandon her childish ways (would've been more poignant and meaningful if she HAD been able to say goodbye to the goblin people and all that, instead of the cop-out we see).

There's really not much this movie offers to the viewer, except tired, clichéic puzzles from when the world was young, questionable charm of David Bowie's struggle between his big upstairs and downstairs visuals..


.. and your typically ugly goblins, monsters and other things. For a kid's movie, these are not cute at all or good-looking, charming, colorful, etc.

For an adults' movie, they're just ridiculously unrealistic-looking, very ugly toys that shouldn't exist even in anyone's imagination, let alone right in the front of your eyes.

There's no deep philosophical message, no questioning the nature of our reality (not really), everything resets at the end like a bad sitcom episode, nothing is really funny or impactful in any way. It's hard to take a friendship between a wobbly puppet and an actual human being seriously, and sometimes it's hard to know what the protagonist really thinks or feels. Are we supposed to just somehow read her 'one-expression'-face?

The story is so thin and disjointed, it's difficult to hold your interest. So they have 'main mission' which consistes of 'multiple different levels' - it resembles more a video game than a movie, and as I mentioned earlier, ironically, the game is better (and it lasts longer, while provoking ane evoking your imagination).

Unless you are obsessed with either the protagonist woman or David's Bulgy Treasures, you are not missing anything by giving this miss-cast, miss-lead miss-tery movie a miss.


It's a fun classic for everyone. Get over yourself..


I wouldnt go that far, it had Dance baby dance and very creative visuals and costume designs plus 16 y old J Conely is fine piece of ass. Im joking not joking here.


The Dark Crystal and Pan's Labyrinth are better than this overrated movie


The Dark Crystal is brilliant


Pan's Labyrinth is overrated imo. Love The Dark Crystal.



I'd put it somewhere around 7/10, the visuals and effects were great, the story was simple, Connelly looked very good but the performance was somewhat stilted, and Bowie was decent enough, the music was kinda disappointing.


The movie was never my favorite as a kid and my opinion is pretty much the same as a 44 year old. There are a lot of very strong scenes, especially near the end with the battle against the goblins in the town, but there's a lot of stuff in the movie that comes off as very awkward, dull, or just doesn't work. The musical numbers all stood out to me as unnecessary filler, especially the very bad one of the creatures that threw their own heads at each other (though I must admit the technology is amazing for the time). Overall for a kid's film it has a very slow pace for a good chunk of it, but things do pick up significantly in the last 3rd when she has some decent companions. I think Jim Hensen was so taken up by the technology and gags that he kind of forgot to make the film as slick and compelling as THE DARK CRYSTAL, which aged a lot better due to taking itself a lot more seriously and not having stupid musical numbers.

I do overall like the idea of an entire fantasy movie being set in a giant maze though. It's a shame that I have yet to see one that I really like. There's a more recent movie called DAVE MADE A MAZE which is a little more for adults and more horror-themed, but is marred by an extremely low budget, bad actors, and a poor script.



The soon-to-be extremely hot Connelly is the only reason to watch.


The only things holding this movie back are David Bowie's glam rock look and the really crappy blue screen effects on the fire gang scene.

The practical effects and puppets still look amazing by today's standard.
