K-Pax ripped this movie
This is the original film that K-Pax was a ripoff of.
sharei need to see this flick!
Is in youtube, am watching it right now...
Every man has two nations, one of them is France. (B. Franklin)share
Ok, so plagiarism is good, specially if I'm from a Hollywood studio and the original movie is not. Copyright doesn't make any sense in that case...
What's the next step now? I have a bunch of blank DVDs right here, so I can copy the movie and sell them freely, because there are "only 7 ways" to do a movie, but I need only one way to copy it, right?
Call me spoiled by Hollywood, but I enjoyed K-PAX just a bit more, perhaps due to the fact that I could only get my hands on some crappy quality VHS of "Man Facing Southeast".
shareK-Pax is based on a book, not on another movie. But nice try...