MovieChat Forums > The Hitcher (1986) Discussion > The Hitcher or Duel (71)

The Hitcher or Duel (71)

I've always thought The Hitcher was VERY similar to Duel, but I love both movies but I've always put The Hitcher above Duel but now I'm having second thoughts, what do you all think?


They're both favourite films of mine, and they are very similar. But I think Hitcher just wins it because of the sheer evilness of John Ryder.

I've seen more than enough of this sh it, I'm off!


I would have to agree.


I think I'd have to (barely) lean towards The Hitcher as well, and for the same reason.

EXCELLENT thread though. Great comparison.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


Great thread, I feel like the Hitcher was overtly influenced by the Duel.

They are both great films in their own respect, but the Hitcher takes the cake in my opinion. The onscreen and offscreen violence, the ever-building intensity, and the brilliant antagonist make it a much more effective thriller.

Both movies are gems all horror fans should watch at one point or another.


I agree also with the poster

Jim a Mr. Weaver's character in Duel were actually the same.
Two compassionate good citizens just minding there own business, then all of a sudden, they're pushed to do something they don't want to do. They both spent the entire first part of the their movies avoiding the evil that lurks in the road.

Both films are (like Man-bit-himself says) are true gems and the influences of other future "Road Horrors" to come. All the other movies since then, have used one of these movies to set up their plot. The killer or evil, is either a car with no driver (or driver not seen) or a well personified seriel nut.

Good post.



It's made from bits of real panther, so you know it's good...



I'm leaning towards The Duel.

Both are very good but i like the setup in The Duel more where we (and the car driver) don't know anything about the truck driver. Even can't find him at the restaurant. And we also can only guess who is he. (I think he is the young guy sitting at the bar table, not looking to the car driver during the whole scene but staring there from the corner of his eye from the beginning to the end).

In The Hitcher we got to know that he is a sick, evil man with some supernatural abilities (how much injuries he can stand). Rutger Hauer plays the role very well.

It's pretty evident that The Hitcher was based upon The Duel.

reply doubt

These are the movies that all took much of their ideas/atmosphere/look/ and even plot, from Duel, as well as the presence of a diesel truck in some sense which was done in the same style as Duel...some even duplicating certain camera shots and even lines of dialogue (Jeepers..)

1. The Hitcher
2. Breakdown
3. Joyride
4. Jeepers Creepers- (although this one borrowed from actually a lot of films)

I agree in that I seriously hope no one seeks to re-make Duel.




DUEL should be re-titled DULL.



DUEL should be re-titled DULL.

Dull? At what point in Duel is anything dull? I first saw it at 14 and was glued to the screen the whole time. I guess the truck driver not offing 10 people during the middle of the movie made it boring ha? And that's not a shot at the Hitcher at all by the way (it's one of my favorite movies), they're both very different movies.


Maybe the Hitcher but not by much, Duel is a great film as well.


The Hitcher just has so much more going on.
I like Duel too...but it's just a truck chasing a guy.

The Hitcher has characters to get into (come on Ryder is one of THE best bad guys ever created). There was much more going on in the plot and some very clever writting. There is charactization going on, sublte symbolism, class acting. It's a film with layers, the more you scratch, the more you find.

Duel was a truck chasing a guy.

Also, The Hitcher (other than the clothing) looks like it could have been made yesterday.
Duel just look like it's 1971.
Which is not a "bad" thing. It's just that The Hitcher looks a lot "fresher".

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.


Just saw the Hitcher for the first time.
Two very different movies really.
I'll end up rewatching Duel more often,
because the overdubbing dialogue from the main character
just wins it for appeal. Just that internal dialogue
and the escalating trauma is magnetic.

Rutger was quite the magnet though!

BOTH are awesome road/thriller movies.

I like the look of the older Duel.
I love the grain~iness ;)



It is a made for tv movie.





Hard to compare the two since in "Duel" the antagonist isn't interactive with the protagonist. It's like being hunted by a bear (or a shark, Mr Spielberg??)

"The Hitcher" is more like a gambit- a strategic manipulation by an opponent. There's more interaction between the opponents with a deliberate purpose.

They are both fine films but I'd never think to compare the two as they are far different from each other.

Duel is more easily compared with "Maximum Overdrive"... and to which it would be FAR, FAR....FAR...uh....FARRRRRRRRRRR superior.

"Atlas Shrugged- Part 1"- Coming soon to Canada and on DVD!


It's like being hunted by a bear (or a shark, Mr Spielberg??)

Funny you say that as Steven has said the reasons he took on the JAWS job was cos it was a similar theme to Duel and (in his words) "Duel had 4 letters, JAWS had 4 letters."

Jesus died for our sins. As he's already dead...sin away.




I'd have to lean towards the Hitcher as well, mainly because John you really get to know and see what makes him tick, not to mention his fine acting. With Duel, you really think of the bad guy not so much as the driver but rather as the truck in that you never even see the face of the trucker. Sure you know the semi is driven by someone, but that lacking element while adds to the mystery of Duel, also simplifies it as well and makes it more of a popcorn movie rather where as Hitcher is more suspenseful as you get into the head work of both men.

Both movies were great though...


I prefer Duel.

Its that man again!!
