MovieChat Forums > Hannah and Her Sisters (1986) Discussion > Guys -- Which sister would you take out ...

Guys -- Which sister would you take out on a date?

Personally, I'd go for Holly -- beautiful, compelling, neurotic, just my type!


Holly seems like the most fun, but I can't stop thinking of her as the mother in The Lost Boys, so I think I'd have to go with Lee (Leigh?).

"Reality is the new fiction they say, true is truer these days, truth is man-made"


Holly, without a doubt.


Barabara Hershey, without a doubt. I might go with Holly if she had a little blow on her.

Just kidding.

"I've seen things in this city that make Dante's Inferno read like Winnie The Pooh."


Hannah, hands down. She's very giving and her menagerie of children indicates that she is a person with a lot of love to give. The other two sisters seem overly self interested. I'd avoid Lee in particular. The ease with which see ripped out Frederick's heart inclines me to believe that she eventually do the same thing with whomever she was with.

Frederick, by the way, delivers my favorite line in the movie, "Can you imagine the kind of mind that would watch wrestling?"


"The ease with which see ripped out Frederick's heart inclines me to believe that she eventually do the same thing with whomever she was with."

I personally don't think that's fair to the character. I think she was very emotionally distraught over what she was doing; confused and scared and sad about it. She was crying as it was happening. Saying that she did it with ease makes it sound like she strolled in, said "I'm getting my stuff because I'm moving out" and strolled out again.

My $0.02.

"Who is responsible for Bonnie Kleinschmidtt?"
"Two Germans?"


BRILLIANT casting with Max von Sydow in that role. I love that rant about television (if Jesus Christ came back today, he'd never stop throwing up) and it's funnier because Barbara Hershey in emotional turmoil, realizing that she doesn't want to be with him, and then listening to that.

"Boy that was really exciting. I bet you're a big Lee Marvin fan aren't ya."


I'd date Lee; sensual...thoughtful...erotic... *hot*....

Holly *is* game for anything (to quote her mother)but I
found her most appealing at the end...after she got her
act together...

Sorry, no interest in Hannah...She has no needs....
she's too perfect... (hahhaha)

"Silent films are the purest form of cinema..." (Hitchcock)


Lee. Holly has too many issues and Hannah while she is sweet is clingy and somewhat annoying.


Lee, just because she is the best looking in my opinon and that she is deep.

Don't ever call me a kubrick hater, or I will have my droogs beat you to death.



Holly,she's the coolest of the three.


Hannah. I could benefit from her sheer sanity.





Lee was the most appealing of the three, no doubt.



Holly's beautiful and has a quirky personality, but I would go for Lee.
She's even more beautiful. As Elliot says in the beginning of the film,
"She looks so sexy in that sweater. I just want to be alone with her and hold her and tell her how much I love her and take care of her."



why did you say "guys" in the title? what if there are some homosexual women out there that want to take one of them out on a date


Well I'm a gay man - but I'd say Lee. There's something very sexy about her. I'd party with Holly, and I'd happily go to any dinner party that Hannah was hosting, but Lee would get my attention as a mate (if I were that way inclined).

Subject title changed on grounds of political correctness :)


Right. Well, I have to - I have to go now, Duane, because I, I'm due back on the planet Earth.


Hannah and Lee. Why choose? Take them both out together. One of the saddest things in the movie is that Elliot couldn't tell Hannah about his growing infatuation with Lee. If he had told her before acting on it, chances are the three of them could have worked it out with a lot less pain. Hannah and Lee are very different, but both loyal, strong, good communicators, and of course beautiful.

I find Holly's drug use (even in the past) off-putting. And though Dianne Wiest is lovely, Holly is played as not-quite-so.

Actually, Mickey's assistant -- I never quite figured out her name -- would probably make the best friend. As played, though, she doesn't have the sex appeal.



Lee is definately the most attractive.


Holly. I loved how attractive Dianne Wiest looked on Oscar night when she won for Hannah.


So far the results are:

Lee 10
Holly 4
Hannah 4

plus one vote for April.



I think both Lee and Hannah would be rather dull on a date. I am a little older than Lee and more educated, so she might hang on to my every word, but rather than stroking my ego, I would find that tiring. I would want to hear what she has to say, as well, yet she'd might act like an attentive schoolgirl.

Hannah is sweet but more of the home-y, nesting type. I doubt she ever enjoyed dating much. It might be hard to get her to have fun.

A date with Holly could very well be a hot mess. But just sit back and enjoy the ride! She'd speak her mind, and if it's all bitter and aggressive, at least it's exhilarating and real. So I vote Holly.


Definitely Lee - dark, sexy, smart, sweet personality. The only worrying factor is that she cheated with her brother-in-law.

Holly would be fun.

Hannah - no thanks. Not into the motherly type.

"Push the button, Max!"


For a one-night-stand - Lee, since she was the most attractive.

For just a night on the town - Holly, she might even share her stash.

For a serious date - Hannah, she's the most stable (and I love her apartment).
