MovieChat Forums > Hannah and Her Sisters (1986) Discussion > Would you find Elliot (Michael Caine) at...

Would you find Elliot (Michael Caine) attractive??

I love this movie, but I have always found it a little strange that Lee (Barbara Hershey) would have been attracted to Elliot. I can understand him being attracted to her, but with his sweater vests and those huge glasses, I just don't see her feeling a mutual attraction.

To me, the scene where they meet up and kiss is actually uncomfortable for me to watch. It just seems creepy. It even gets weirder when she calls him and talks about feeling close to him. Ugh.

Am I the only person who feels this way? I love Michael Caine as an actor, so I mean no offense to him, I just don't see someone like Barbara Hershey's character being attracted to him.


In real life, I'd definately be attracted to him (although I'm not entirely sure I would if I've never seen the movie Alfie?). However, if he were my sister's husband and came on to me like that, I'd be grossed out and angry at him. It seemed so pathetic of him and all too revealing of some sort of mid-life crisis weakness that's a total turn off.



I completely agree!


He deserves maximum respect for the run he makes round the blocks, to make it look like he's just bumped into her. Great technique, and plus points for going for what he wants. A true playboy!


I didn't find anyone but Diane Wiest attractive, honestly. I thought all their attractions were based off their intellects, personality and major insecurities.


Michael Caine was sexy back then, not for his looks, obviously, but his charm and charisma.


Well, I never thought of Barbara Hershey as drop dead gorgeous either. I mean she was okay in her day, but I wouldn't lose any sleep over her. And have you seen her lately !!! Would make an alien run away. Michael Caine is the sexier person in the long run after all.


Hell yes, Michael Caine is attractive and sexy, and keeps getting more so the older he gets. But I'm biased -- I LOVE older men.


No. But I guess next to Friedrich, he'd be attractive.

The only thing I can think of is, Lee felt suffocated by Friedrich and his reclusiveness…being his "only connection to the outside world." It was a heavy burden to carry. Along comes Elliot, who wants to take care of her and make it all about her. I can see that being a draw.


In my older age I find Michael Caine right sexy- maybe it's the British accent. He seems quite enticing, even sponge-worthy... As I watched him in this movie I was thinking how it would be cool to have him be my psychiatrist even but that's probably a nod to him in Dressed To Kill.
